Anybody watching hoops tonight?



VolNation's Grand Poobah
Staff member
Oct 22, 2003
I have been watching the UAB game. Even though UAB is getting killed you have to give Mike Anderson credit for continuing to fight for his team. He just got thrown out of the game with a little over 4:00 to go and his team down by 26.
I can't remember the last time I saw a coach get ejected during the tournament. I think I remember Dean Smith getting tossed about 10 years ago, but that's it.
It's happened twice tonight. Rick Barnes of Texas got ejected with 3 seconds to play. Talk about a referee with a chip on his shoulders...why do you "T" up a guy when the game is over?
Originally posted by GAVol@Mar 26, 2004 11:44 PM
I can't remember the last time I saw a coach get ejected during the tournament. I think I remember Dean Smith getting tossed about 10 years ago, but that's it.

Yeah I remember that against Kansas.....he went over and shook Roys hand on the way back to the locker rooms..always a class act!
That St. Joe's & Oklahoma State game was a great one. It's ashame somebody had to lose.

I don't know if Bama just didn't play well today or UConn is just that good. The Tide was never really in that game.
UCONN looked great tonight...they were clicking and yes, it's hard to see a team lose in that OkieState and St Joe's game....but I was pulling for Okie State! B)
So was I, but only because I picked them in my bracket. :D
St Joes did impress me though..I had them pegged to lose in the second round....they showed they deserved to be there!
They were pretty impressive. It's amazing that a team can play with no inside players and be competitive on this level.
Yeah....they get just enough help inside so the D can't cheat all the way out. Bama is similar with their 3 pt shooting, but just got beat at their own game by UCONN!
Originally posted by U-T@Mar 28, 2004 1:40 AM
St. Joe's lost...YES! Cant stand that coach

You don't like Martelli? I think he is pretty funny. He is so animated. Have you ever seen his coaches show?

I hear him on the radio sometimes on Tony Basillio's show.
I guess he is the type that you either love him or hate him.

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