Anyone Ordering The Tourney Online?

Originally posted by Volunteer@Mar 16, 2005 9:13 PM
Freak, can I borrow 20 bucks?

Sure thing. Do you take checks?
Depending on what market you're in, your CBS station may be showing other games on digital cable. That's what Louisville is doing. And Lexington is showing an extra game on UPN, which is owned by the local CBS affiliate. So, you may be able to get other games without paying.
Originally posted by ukvols@Mar 16, 2005 9:35 PM
Depending on what market you're in, your CBS station may be showing other games on digital cable. That's what Louisville is doing. And Lexington is showing an extra game on UPN, which is owned by the local CBS affiliate. So, you may be able to get other games without paying.

I just ordered it. I found an email coupon and got it for 14.95. Now I can keep an eye on it at work and watch whatever games I want thursday night, Friday night and all day Saturday and Sunday.
I'm going to miss all the games tommorrow. I have a track meet and them thing last untill 10 or 11. It is suppose to rain here tommorrow so I'm hoping it gets cancelled.
I care less than nothing about the men's tournament. Sunday is the day I can't WAIT for!!!

:cheer: GO LADY VOLS!!! :cheer:
I'll be in class taking a test when it starts :bad: then I have one more class after that so hopefully I wont miss too much :cross:

I am not ordering anything I'm going to watch cbs and watch the stats and stuff on
The local CBS affiliate in Birmingham may have a dilemma on its hands.

Presuming UAB and Bama both win their opening round games (I realize that's an "if"), both teams are scheduled to play their 2nd round games at the same time on Saturday.

CBS42 is the Birmingham affiliate but as you know, Bham is full of Bammers. Plus CBS42 is also the affiliate for Tuscaloser. Obviously they will choose to show the Tide over the Blazers but many Blazer fans will be furious.

Me, I'll go to a bar that's showing both of them :D I'll be pulling for a Blazer win and a Tide loss :lol:
I should be getting out of church Sunday night just in time to see my Lady Vols play.

Well at least you have the game on video tape. I missed the whole thing, but won't miss us win the championship. :cross:

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