Apollo Alliance



Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2007
Who are they and what are they up to?

Achievements : Apollo Alliance

The Apollo Alliance is a coalition of labor, business, environmental, and community leaders working to catalyze a clean energy revolution that will put millions of Americans to work in a new generation of high-quality, green-collar jobs. Inspired by the Apollo space program, we promote investments in energy efficiency, clean power, mass transit, next-generation vehicles, and emerging technology, as well as in education and training. Working together, we will reduce carbon emissions and oil imports, spur domestic job growth, and position America to thrive in the 21st century economy

Glenn Beck "Uncovers" Conspiracy Involving Green Jobs Czar Van Jones (VIDEO)

Beck looks at Obama's green jobs czar, Van Jones, and he doesn't like what he sees - claiming to "uncover" a vast conspiracy between the green movement, big labor, and communism

Van Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jones position with the Obama Administration has been described as "switchboard operator for Obama's grand vision of the American economy; connecting the phone lines between all the federal agencies invested in a green economy."[17]

Jones' responsibility is to work within all the government agencies to make sure the $30 billion from the stimulus earmarked for green-jobs funding attached to it gets "doled out appropriately."[17]

Political evolution
Jones started his career as a staunch critic of capitalism; his outrage over the Rodney King verdict radicalized him to the point where he declared himself a communist (which he has since renounced) and actively began protesting police brutality[18]. He later got involved with Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM), a collective which "dreamed of a multiracial socialist utopia".

Talk amongst yourselves
Van Jones is a self proclaimed communist, how Obama's favorability polls did not drop to below 15% when he appointed him is beyond me.
Thats part of the entire key to understanding Obama, understand his czars. They will tell you exactly where he is trying to go.
Glenn Beck may be crazy, but the things he's digging up are turning him into public enemy #1.

the FCC's new "Diversity Czar" is on record praising Hugo Chavez and wants to tax private media groups at 100% of their operating budget in order to fund public broadcasting.
The work of this group is fine, in my book, if it weren't for the wackos involved and the likely ulterior motives of some.
That's the problem with all of this. All these groups word their mission statements so they do sound awesome, I mean even ACORN's "purpose" on paper sounds really noble. It's once you actually see the people who are running them and their actual actions play out is when it gets scary. And, yes, these Czars are starting to really scare me. Bush laid the groundwork for them late in his presidency (wanting an auto czar), but Obama is taking it and running with it.
before long there will be a sex czar. you can only get some if everyone is gettin some...
yeah, those czar are scary, they bypass any congress or senate scrutiny. they don't have to get any background checks by the FBI.

it's pretty scare on what hussein is doing. what do they say. you know who a person is by the people he surrounds himself with.
I dang sure do not want the "prize" at the end of this game.

I had some Robbie Knievil tickets I could have given you!!! He is going to be in Birmingham this weekend. His show will end with him jumping over 1000 Obama supporters with a bull dozer! But you didn't want a prize!:no:
yeah, those czar are scary, they bypass any congress or senate scrutiny. they don't have to get any background checks by the FBI.

it's pretty scare on what hussein is doing. what do they say. you know who a person is by the people he surrounds himself with.

Yep that czar system, aka government within a government aka soviet politboro is problematic.

That tool Eric Holder as AG isn't very reassuring to say the least.

The really scary thing to me though is that the citizens of my state are represented by two Repulican senators and according newspaper accounts, both voted to cofirm Holder.

This raises some questions in my mind, were they scared to stand up for what's right?? Were they ignorant of Holder's radical leftist views and history?? Do they actually approve of him manning one of the most powerful seats in American government??

Their reported vote implies they do.

Anyone who voted for Barry and isn't suffering buyers remorse just yet has to either be brain dead or a socialist idealogue to begin with.

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