I'm getting the feeling that what really happened was this: a 225-pound player running out jostled a 125-pound member of the opposing team's color guard. From his perspective, they probably barely touched. From hers, it probably felt like a train wreck.
Then all the color guard members were really upset about it, all game long.
After the game, they got to talking, and one or two of them made up crap about being groped and fondled. None of those girls would say anything to the media, of course, because they knew it couldn't stand up to scrutiny.
But one member of the color guard naively believed them. And she went to the media with their "complaints."
So now we have a chance collision turned into a serious accusation that no one can find any evidence to support. Even though it happened in a college football stadium that was probably packed, with cameras (TV, sports photographers, and fan phones) literally everywhere.
That's the scenario that seems to fit the facts so far.