Are American politics turning violent??



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
Gunshot Shatters Glass Door Of GOP Office - Baltimore, Maryland News Story - WBAL Baltimore

The Patriot's Flag Violence against Republicans

Tea Party Group Hit With Death Threats - Washington Whispers (

FreedomWorks provided some of the recordings of the threatening calls to Whispers and they include physical threats and profanity aimed at the group, Tea Party spokesmen and even conservative talkers. "You guys better watch it," says one caller. "Now, we are going to destroy and obliterate Rush [Limbaugh] and Sean Hannity," said another. "Those two guys are dead."

I mentioned Freedom Works in another thread. LG and the GEICO guy are up to no good.
Yes, the incendiary rhetoric of the far right has reached a crescendo and they are about to resort to violence. Hopefully, someone will emerge from the right to calm them down and dismiss the likes of Beck, Hannty, and Fox, so as to restore some intelligent discourse to the country. Until then, I worry.
Yes, the incendiary rhetoric of the far right has reached a crescendo and they are about to resort to violence. Hopefully, someone will emerge from the right to calm them down and dismiss the likes of Beck, Hannty, and Fox, so as to restore some intelligent discourse to the country. Until then, I worry.

you're really (ab)using your master's degree in hyperbole on this one
Yes, the incendiary rhetoric of the far right has reached a crescendo and they are about to resort to violence. Hopefully, someone will emerge from the right to calm them down and dismiss the likes of Beck, Hannty, and Fox, so as to restore some intelligent discourse to the country. Until then, I worry.

sarcasm? i hope?
Yes, the incendiary rhetoric of the far right has reached a crescendo and they are about to resort to violence. Hopefully, someone will emerge from the right to calm them down and dismiss the likes of Beck, Hannty, and Fox, so as to restore some intelligent discourse to the country. Until then, I worry.

You mean ya'll?
Yes, the incendiary rhetoric of the far right has reached a crescendo and they are about to resort to violence. Hopefully, someone will emerge from the right to calm them down and dismiss the likes of Beck, Hannty, and Fox, so as to restore some intelligent discourse to the country. Until then, I worry.

Why just this morning alone, I thought about doing some violence!:rock:
It's sad when even the union thugs have given up their tactics. Without town halls, they cannot display their violent tendencies.
Yes, the incendiary rhetoric of the far right has reached a crescendo and they are about to resort to violence. Hopefully, someone will emerge from the right to calm them down and dismiss the likes of Beck, Hannty, and Fox, so as to restore some intelligent discourse to the country. Until then, I worry.

Oh yeah... "shut up and stop disagreeing with me or I'll get violent", right?

You don't think Obama's rhetoric is "incendiary"? Olbermann? Maddow? Letterman? You name it.

You don't think what the left is actually DOING is incendiary? How about running up debt and leaving it to our children? How about confiscating our hard earned dollars to give benefits to people who turn their noses up at work or worse political cronies? How about imposing a value set on our children in public schools we disagree with? How about "Hey agree with us about the morality of homosexuality or go to a re-education course?" Or maybe, "Counsel homosexuals and affirm their lifestyle even if it conflicts with your religion or else you don't get your degree?"

Yes. You could say that ALOT OF US are sick and tired of liberals imposing their worldview on us and being "generous and benevolent" with OUR MONEY!

Violence? No. Our side has NOT resorted to violence. If it comes to that, we will be far more honorable than what we're currently seeing out of the left who sees control slipping through their fingers.
I keep waiting for LG to link these threats of violence from the right like are contained in the OP.
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Let's see - a Dem Congressman's (Carnahan) office is fire bombed and righties are blamed. Turns out it's a former worker for Carnahan and lefty.

A NYC Muslim cabby is attacked and it's attributed to right wing hate of Muslims stirred up by the Mosque controversy. Turns out it's a lefty who supports the mosque.

Oh that right wing violence.
You had Bloomberg blaming the Times Square failed attempt on opponents of Obamacare.

Wasn't it in N AL that the lefty professor went on a shooting spree?
SEIU attacked a private residence in the northeast terrorizing children.

A black conservative was beaten by liberal thugs in Missouri.
What office was he running for??

So what you're saying is that if an idiot liberal stoops to making death threats towards conservatives, it's political violence by liberals; but if an idiot conservative shoots and kills a group of liberals, it's only political violence by a conservative if he's running for office?

Please don't let me see you complaining about a double standard.:ermm:

Your sources are laughable.

The first example you use was proven to be a stray bullet that had nothing to do with politics. The second and third sources are from far right propaganda groups that require constant fact checking in order to be taken seriously.

If you wanted this post to be taken seriously, it would've been a good idea to include "credible" examples from both the left and right. Both are guilty.
You don't think what the left is actually DOING is incendiary? How about running up debt and leaving it to our children? How about confiscating our hard earned dollars to give benefits to people who turn their noses up at work or worse political cronies? How about imposing a value set on our children in public schools we disagree with? How about "Hey agree with us about the morality of homosexuality or go to a re-education course?" Or maybe, "Counsel homosexuals and affirm their lifestyle even if it conflicts with your religion or else you don't get your degree?"

Yes. You could say that ALOT OF US are sick and tired of liberals imposing their worldview on us and being "generous and benevolent" with OUR MONEY!

Violence? No. Our side has NOT resorted to violence. If it comes to that, we will be far more honorable than what we're currently seeing out of the left who sees control slipping through their fingers.

At any given time, at least 40% of the population may disagree with the way a particular administration is running the country. We are a diverse population with a wide array of beliefs in how this great country sould be run. Our forefathers imbraced a concept called popular sovereignty. It is this very thing that has allowed for a peaceful transition of power for over 200 years.

To condone violence as a means for change is to deny the very ideals that this country was founded on. If you don't like the direction the country is going then I suggest you to vote for those who you think can do a better job. If they loose, then suck it up and try again next time. Or you could move to a country greater than ours.

Good luck in finding one.
So what you're saying is that if an idiot liberal stoops to making death threats towards conservatives, it's political violence by liberals; but if an idiot conservative shoots and kills a group of liberals, it's only political violence by a conservative if he's running for office?

Please don't let me see you complaining about a double standard.:ermm:

Goldilocks, where have you been??

We've been missing you! :crazy:

You seem angry this morning.

Wazza matter? Mama bear pee in your porrige?


Your sources are laughable.

The first example you use was proven to be a stray bullet that had nothing to do with politics. The second and third sources are from far right propaganda groups that require constant fact checking in order to be taken seriously.

If you wanted this post to be taken seriously, it would've been a good idea to include "credible" examples from both the left and right. Both are guilty.

I guess you could call it a see saw battle??

We have not yet begun to fight.

Name one specific example that isn't factual!!

You can't do it!! :finger3:

At any given time, at least 40% of the population may disagree with the way a particular administration is running the country.

Right now 84% disagree with the way the country is being run according to Rasmussen.

We are a diverse population with a wide array of beliefs in how this great country sould be run.


Our forefathers imbraced a concept called popular sovereignty. It is this very thing that has allowed for a peaceful transition of power for over 200 years.

Then peacefully hit the road, your tripe is about to be voted into extinction.

To condone violence as a means for change is to deny the very ideals that this country was founded on.

Then tell that to these guys, some of Bill Ayers buds.


If you don't like the direction the country is going then I suggest you to vote for those who you think can do a better job. If they loose, then suck it up and try again next time. Or you could move to a country greater than ours.

Good luck in finding one.

Same to you pal.

At any given time, at least 40% of the population may disagree with the way a particular administration is running the country. We are a diverse population with a wide array of beliefs in how this great country sould be run. Our forefathers imbraced a concept called popular sovereignty.
Much if not all of the USC was designed to promote individual sovereignty against the potential abuses that naturally stem from any gov't including a democratically elected one.

Popular sovereignty ONLY came into play as a means of estabilshing that the state should be subordinate to the people... the complete opposite of what we have now and what the Progressives have been promoting for over a century now.
To condone violence as a means for change is to deny the very ideals that this country was founded on.
They set up a system that allowed for peaceful revolution... however it was violence that gave this nation its birth. The 10th Amendment directly demonstrates their understanding that it might be necessary again. I don't think it should be the norm but it certainly does NOT deny the ideals our country was founded on. They held that their ideals concerning the rights and liberties of the individual were worth fighting and dying for.
If you don't like the direction the country is going then I suggest you to vote for those who you think can do a better job. If they loose, then suck it up and try again next time. Or you could move to a country greater than ours.
That advice is much better suited for those who want to "fundamentally" transform the US... not for those who want to keep it the "shining city on a hill".

Good luck in finding one.

Right. That's why I don't want the left to turn this one into a European style socialist democracy.

However the left that DOES want that... is becoming much more "aggressive" in both their rhetoric and actions toward those who disagree with them like the TP.
People from all ideologies commit violence in the name of said ideology. Lately, however one side has been more active in trying to portray the other side as violent and dangerous; all in an attempt to discredit the ideology.

It's sad really. If we could argue ideas rather than demonizing opponents we might actually get somewhere.
Like having a civil rights leader call the Tea Party the KKK. I'm sure having the niece of MLK as a member of this KKK puts a damper on the argument. But clearly truth and logic fall short within the left who keep saying this over and over. We'll hear how the Tea Party wants to bring back the separate water fountains, put darker skinned folks on the back of the bus, bring back cross burnings, hang your men, and rape your women. And somehow with all of this stupid pointless rhetoric, LG will be one of many who say the RIGHT is the one using fear as a tactic.
People from all ideologies commit violence in the name of said ideology. Lately, however one side has been more active in trying to portray the other side as violent and dangerous; all in an attempt to discredit the ideology.
I don't really major on this topic except at it relates to the left being profoundly hypocritical

It's sad really. If we could argue ideas rather than demonizing opponents we might actually get somewhere.

Do you really believe that? I think we are reaching a point where those who actually "believe" in a political ideology in America fall into two, almost mutually exclusive camps. (Note below.) There are degrees on either side but you can't have a country that is both free and controlled. You can't have a country where people have free conscience and one where gov't sees itself as having the decisive role in producing "social justice" and ending "discrimination" of all types.

You cannot have the gov't our Constitution establishes and the one the Progressives have been building for the last century while largely circumventing the Constitution.

I believe we are very, very close to a point of irreconcilable differences.... and in need of a divorce.

Note: Somewhere around 10-25% will go where the political winds blow them but really don't have a firm political ideal that they have thought through. We would all be better off if they chose not to vote. In one election they will vote against the Republicans for "cutting" social programs and then in the next they'll vote against Dems for running up deficits and growing gov't. This is why every kid needs a whole year on the US Constitution in HS to include studying the debates and issues in their contexts... which of course the leftist in control of the education establishment will never allow. They preach tolerance and understanding for Hamas but demonize our Founders.
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