Wow! Where do you start? There are so many issues in this soap opera.
The child does not deserve to be aborted, just because he was conceived due to an adulterus affair.
Sin takes you further than you want to go and keeps you there longer than you want to stay.
This affair will probably destroy A. F. (1) Divorce. Splitting of his assets. His children by his wife will not have their father at home on a daily basis due to the divorce. (2) Mistress will get tons of money from child support, setting up of future college fund, medical insurance,etc. (3) Foster's will likely never accept this child, so this child will grow up without his father in his life. (4) After football, I don't see A.F. having any endorsements to enhance his income.
At age 27, and him being injury prone, I see him with 3 maybe 4 more years in the NFL and then he hits the unemployment line. Large portion of his assests and income will be divided between his wife and his mistress.
I thought I had a bad Monday, yesterday! Wow! It just goes to show that when your day is bad, there is always someone else whose day is worse than yours...