Arianna Huffington gets paid...

I think AOL could have done better as far as price goes.. Not sure what AOL is seeing in this move, but good luck with it.
what was AOL thinking?

AOL to buy The Huffington Post for $315 million - Yahoo! News

The move, announced Monday, comes at a hefty premium. AOL is estimated to be paying 32 times earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization for The Huffington Post, said Benchmark Co analyst Clayton Moran.

Similar content deals, such as Hellman & Friedman's acquisition of Internet Brands in September 2010, typically go for eight to 12 times earnings, said Moran.

"AOL just spent 40 percent of their cash for very little near-term return," said Moran.
You mean HuffPo?

No where near as bias as you think.

Editors create misleading titles for more hits, and the sports editors are clueless, but besides that the site is a great resource for news from multiple sites.
Huff Post grew like 200% last year, and has 25 million hits on its website per day. Content is king these days and I think AOL got it right on this one. Its a good deal for both parties, imo
No where near as bias as you think.

Editors create misleading titles for more hits, and the sports editors are clueless, but besides that the site is a great resource for news from multiple sites.

As an aggregator it's fine. The commentary is as left as this board is right. I would consider it to be a bit more biased than FoxNews.
AOL has lost an additional $315 mil in stock price since acquiring the Huffington Post. Ironic?

Grandson of Muslim Brotherhood Founder Makes His Case at HuffPo | NewsReal Blog

Tariq Ramadan, grandson of Muslim Brotherhood
founder Hasan Al-Banna and supporter of terrorism,
is employing the use of his forked tongue in an
article at the Huffington Post to make the case
for participation of the Muslim Brotherhood in
Egypt’s political process. Is this Arianna Huffington’s
idea of passing on family values?

Apart from Ramadan‘s lies about the history and
current makeup of the Muslim Brotherhood, particularly
in regard to his grandfather’s support for Adolf Hitler’s
Nazi Party, what strikes me the most is that he is a
proponent of “pluralism”, having authored a book on
the subject, and is making the case now for the
Muslim Brotherhood to follow the “template” of

So it is that Mr. Ramadan, the forked tongue of
Islam, may make the case for the Muslim Brotherhood
in the leftist media, with gullible progressive readers
believing him to be a benevolent Martin Luther of
Islam and champion of democracy, as the Islamic
caliphate rolls onward.

Huff Post laying off a third of their employees and closing Huff Post Canada
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