God forbid someone spends a few years learning the language they use every day
twss----that is my former English teacher Miss Agatha Ballbreaker who made us spend hours drawing these trees and branches that she called diagramming sentences. I will be forever grateful to her for insisting I learn to diagram which led me to a full, productive and meaningful life. Props to Miss Ballbreaker and others who are so dedicated in teaching us dummies how to communicate in a coherent fashion.
twss----that is my former English teacher Miss Agatha Ballbreaker who made us spend hours drawing these trees and branches that she called diagramming sentences. I will be forever grateful to her for insisting I learn to diagram which led me to a full, productive and meaningful life. Props to Miss Ballbreaker and others who are so dedicated in teaching us dummies how to communicate in a coherent fashion.
1. sit on couch
2. open beer
3. turn on TV
I was going to say,that i plan on some Yuengling early in the morning,i will be well prepared by high noon