Armani Moore injured @PRTL



Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2011
Armani wasnt able to put any pressure on his left leg after an injury. He was helped back to the bench after what seemed to be an ankle injury that occurred as he came down from shooting a 3 pointer from the corner. He made the shot.
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Good point.. although, he is still on the bench with his left leg elevated and wrapped and coach Nicodemus by his side. Must not have snapped but it may have crackled or popped.

I lol'ed a little. I do hope Armani is ok though. If he can develop an offensive game with his athleticism, he will be outstanding.
Armani has now got up from his table at Chik-fil-a and gone to bathroom. Went into middle stall for about 5 minutes. Left foul odor. Did not wash hands. Returned to his table. No limp.
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Armani came down awkward on his ankle. It'll hurt for a few days, but nothing the least bit major. Good timing though as the team is set to be off for a few weeks starting Wednesday.
Armani has just arrived at Chik-fil-a. He ordered a chicken sandwich combo with a Dr. Pepper to drink. He also got a strawberry milkshake with whip cream. He did not get a cherry on top. No limp.
I laffed and spit out my Ale8 lol.

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