no popcorn needed, it's becoming increasingly obvious that gsvol and gibbs are the same person. Each identity represents the two extremes of the political spectrum, gs is the angry right-winger who sees a nazi-like conspiracy in everything Obama does and gibbs is the well-intentioned academic liberal who doesn't seem to have a clue what the world is like outside the ivory tower of academia.
If that were true where would that leave you??
The record speaks for itself as far as Obama is concerned, no need for any conspiracy theory.
Obama is even more profuse in his praise of islam that Hitler.,1518,566920,00.html
Obama calls the PM of Turkey, Erdogan, his 'close friend'.
Erdogan denies the Armenian genocide and is on record as proposing the revival of the Ottoman empire and establishment of a world wide caliphate.
BTW, when the Turks were slaughtering about 2 million Christian Armenians they also killed about a Million Greek Christians and almost a million Assyrian Christians.
Obama praises the muslim brotherhood and has his appointees describe them as secular. In WWII our four main foes were Hitler's nazis, imperial Japan, the muslim brotherhood (represented mainly by the Ottoman Turks but the mb is and was international in scope, raising SS divisions in Bosnia that were so brutal that some of Hitlers military officers protested to Hitler, and all accross the mideast as irregulars,) and Italy's Il Duce who took on the title; 'protector of islam.'
BTW, if not for Hitler the mb would still be sitting around a campfire somewhere in the desert burning camel dung.
The Muslim Brotherhood has close historical ties with the Nazi and neo-Nazi movements.
It has to be one of two things, Obama is lying his ass off or he is a bungling fool on the level of Jimmy Carter.
The Shah who headed up the most technically advanced, most secular and most American friendly government in the mideast but was deposed on humanitarian reasons just as is being touted in the case of Mubarak in Egypt.
During his Presidency, Jimmy Carter didn’t only abandon support for the Shah for his alleged human rights violations. He also gave support to Khomeini.
Carter administration officials also expressed support to Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. William Sulivan, Carter’s ambassador to Iran, said,
“Khomeini is a Ghandi-like figure.”
Carter adviser James Bill said that Khomeini is not a mad mujahid, but a man of
“impeccable integrity and honesty.”
“Khomeini will eventually be hailed as a saint,” said Andrew Young, Carter’s ambassador to the UN.
Guess what, the mullah controled, holocaust denying government of Iran has put to death 100 as many Iranians in less time than the Shah did in forty years.
So much for human rights.
Today Obama praises the muslim brotherhood, Mohamed Atta was a member of the mb, so is Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda's second in command.
The muslim brotherhood assassinated Anwar Sadat because he made peace with Israel and have made about nine attempts to assassinate Mubarak because he maintains the peace. Egypt is the only arab (or Persian) country in the middle east that doesn't consider itself at war with Israel and dedicated to the eradication of that state and it's people also if possible. This is also the stance of the muslim brotherhood.
Birds of a feather flock together.
I don't know who you flock with but you can flock off as far as I'm concerned.