Yeah, lets go after a coach that will have us continue having a great offense and a swiss cheese defense
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Here's an idea, actually hire a DC that can coach a defense. This is where Dooley made his mistake and hired Sal. Kevin Sumlin is an offensive minded coach and atm is doing alright. Just ask the dumb ag that is trolling around.
Here's an idea, actually hire a DC that can coach a defense. This is where Dooley made his mistake and hired Sal. Kevin Sumlin is an offensive minded coach and atm is doing alright. Just ask the dumb ag that is trolling around.
What say you VN?
OK Vol Nationites. Get this through your heads once and for all. The SEC IS the NFL JV. Therefore, if we don't bring in an NFL coaching team, we will continue to be the sparing partner for Mike Tyson. We stopped being a college team years ago. Kids in high school with talent all want to play for the equivilant of a Kentucky Basketball program. NFL coaches are the ONLY coaches we need to devote any time and or threads to.