Article on McCall


Vol in Buckeye Land

Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2021
Pretty good article on McCall. Standard ESPN feel-good stuff. I didn’t realize his injury was that serious; similar to Hendon, there was a time when he thought he’d never play again. Hope State goes 10-0 after this weekend.

Obviously this guy is a player, but he is not an NFL quarterback. With that being said, and all we have learned from these NFL players coming down with brain diseases, I am not so sure it is wise for a guy with "concussions before" and then diagnosed with "traumatic brain injury" to be back playing football.

I hope nothing but the best for him, except tomorrow.
More people die each year fishing….I hope they don’t end fishing
THANK YOU! Was about to post something similar...

View attachment 674177
Above contains ZERO "amount of macho posturing"...just FACTS!

Signed an unvaxed, never wore a mask, old helmet BARELY had a couple pads inside AMERICAN!

But...YOU do YOU!
How many people fish or walk down stairs compared to how many play major college or professional football? You serious with this?
How many people fish or walk down stairs compared to how many play major college or professional football? You serious with this?
In my little town of 2000 counting the little ones I would say about 125 play football. I know of about 50 that fish. So hell yeah I’m serious!
THANK YOU! Was about to post something similar...

View attachment 674177
Above contains ZERO "amount of macho posturing"...just FACTS!

Signed an unvaxed, never wore a mask, old helmet BARELY had a couple pads inside AMERICAN!

But...YOU do YOU!

Tough guy of the century, right here folks! Let’s celebrate this paragon of masculinity!

As an aside, I had a former family member who played Center in the Real League for 10 years. Not as impressive as your high school exploits, I’m sure. And certainly not as masculine as you, because he wore a helmet. Died of CTE in his early 50s. It wasn’t pretty. These are some different facts.

CTE is real.

EDIT. Let me clarify. He didn’t die from CTE. The CTE (which was diagnosed after he died), caused all kinds of mental issues that led to a raging alcohol issue that led to liver failure. Very similar to Dave Duerson and so many other stories we read. He simply self destructed. Very similar to the personality disorders that are common with dementia.
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In my little town of 2000 counting the little ones I would say about 125 play football. I know of about 50 that fish. So hell yeah I’m serious!
“Major college or professional football,” bub. I’m not talking about the dangers of peewee here.
Tough guy of the century, right here folks! Let’s celebrate this paragon of masculinity!

As an aside, I had a former family member who played Center in the Real League for 10 years. Not as impressive as your high school exploits, I’m sure. And certainly not as masculine as you, because he wore a helmet. Died of CTE in his early 50s. It wasn’t pretty. These are some different facts.

CTE is real.

EDIT. Let me clarify. He didn’t die from CTE. The CTE (which was diagnosed after he died), caused all kinds of mental issues that led to a raging alcohol issue that led to liver failure. Very similar to Dave Duerson and so many other stories we read. He simply self destructed. Very similar to the personality disorders that are common with dementia.
and Mama Cass, whom was a distant cousin to me, choked on a ham sandwich...

Here's lookin at YOU..."Sensitive Guy" - go put your earbuds in and listen to some more "Show Tunes"
Not “sensitive guy.” Just marveling at your ignorance. And how you like to wallow in it.
Here ya go...

Between gravity and his laws of motion, I think Newton has covered the subject:
  1. An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion at constant speed and in a straight line unless acted on by an unbalanced force.
  2. The acceleration of an object depends on the mass of the object and the amount of force applied.
  3. Whenever one object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite on the first.
As for skulls, humans are just not equipped the same ways as rams and woodpeckers.
Which is why we don't compete for mates--or explore for food--using our noggins. Instead, we
use our noggins.
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All modern day athletes are aware of the risks, including CTE. No one forces them to take the field.
And we all know there’s an inherent risk in getting behind the wheel of a car. Doesn’t make it any less tragic when a serious or fatal traffic accident occurs. We should still do all we can to reduce traffic fatalities.

Law enforcement officers know the risks when they take the job. Doesn’t make it any less horrible when an officer is killed on the job. Doesn’t mean policing tactics shouldn’t constantly be optimized to promote officer (and public) safety.

I could go on.
And we all know there’s an inherent risk in getting behind the wheel of a car. Doesn’t make it any less tragic when a serious or fatal traffic accident occurs. We should still do all we can to reduce traffic fatalities.

Law enforcement officers know the risks when they take the job. Doesn’t make it any less horrible when an officer is killed on the job. Doesn’t mean policing tactics shouldn’t constantly be optimized to promote officer (and public) safety.

I could go on.
PLEASE do...we want you to get ALL of that Estrogen flowing...Ma'am...
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