Articles for Objective-Rationalists...



Danneskjöld's love child.
Oct 2, 2010
Getting past the narrative with the hard facts then applying reason. I know it's a crazy concept in this all about the "feels" world, but some of us find that Facts, and Reason are in fact more important than what you wish to perceive, or how something makes you feel. The world exists with or without you in it. Your feelings are irrelevant to what is. Without Objective facts you merely are constructing a fantasy in your head, and without applying Rationalism's reason, you can not hope to deduce what is going on beyond the fantasy world OTHERS construct for you. You need facts to check reason, and you need reason to check facts. Not looking to discuss any of this, Just explain the criteria for what I post here. I do not think party loyalty or flag waving has a place in a search for truth. Rather being willing to look at the truth as it is like it or not is the only way to understand the world correctly.
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From Munich to Chula Vista | Frontpage Mag

Grandson of the '72 Olympic terrorist mastermind runs for mayor in California.
Muhammad Abu Yousef al-Najjar, the candidate’s grandfather, was a commander of Black September, the Palestinian terrorist cell that abducted, tortured and murdered 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics. A veteran of the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Najjar coordinated the military arm of Fatah, served on the executive committee of the PLO, and was a member of the Palestinian National Congress.

While I am not sure if that fact alone proves anything about his character, it certainly warrants a background check if Muslim Brotherhood kids are running for our offices in the U.S.
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I been kinda sick this week, so started with soups....wifey made a cabbage soup, and followed it with home made chilly. Needless to say All family members have fled the rooms I inhabitat.

I've found that Chicken Orzo soup with fennel bulb and carrots really does seem to make a difference when ailing. Especially for my wife. I also make my home brewed Black Elderberry syrup which is legit.
AGAINST THE GREAT RESET: 'The Anti-Industrial Revolution' | The Pipeline

The World Economic Forum’s Great Reset is a major revision of the economic policies that have pulled humanity to its present state of modest prosperity. Its central premise is captured by the epigraph: “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.” But ownership is what divides modern free men and women from medieval serfs—without it, we are subject to the whims of our masters and unable to fashion our destiny. The Great Reset not only resets our social status, but also, over time, it will reset our living standards to those of our serf ancestors.
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Today’s blacklisted Americans: Archaeologists go underground to practice their research – Behind The Black – Robert Zimmerman

[This is happening i]n part because we have an inflation of young people, educated to around the postgraduate level, who no longer see a future in the academy, where jobs are almost non-existent, and acutely aware of the damage a single remark or online comment can do to a career. But also because we have a university research system that has drifted towards a political position that defies a common sense understanding of human nature and history.

A young man entering full-time research interested in warfare, conflict, the origins of different peoples, how borders and boundaries have changed through time, grand narratives of conquest or expansion, would find himself stymied at every turn and regarded with great suspicion. If he didn’t embrace the critical studies fields of postcolonial thought, feminism, gender and queer politics or antiracism, he might find himself shut out from a career altogether. Much easier instead to go online and find the ten other people on Earth who share his interests, who are concerned with what the results mean, rather than their wider current political and social ramifications. [emphasis mine]
Fusion Wariness

Unfortunately, officials and investors have ignored the warnings of prescient figures like the late MIT nuclear engineering professor Lawrence Lidsky, who voiced many of these criticisms as early as 1983. Because of continued investment in D-T fusion, we are likely to see additional scientific milestones. But when they come, be sure to ask: Does this thing have a steam turbine?

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