Assualt Charges Filed On Coach By Player

There's no place for this in sports. That coach should be fired and sent to jail. There's no excuse for walking up to a player you're coaching and doing that.

If the coach was that mad at the player for something, he should have just kicked him out of practice.
moved to fast for me... was he trying to teach the kid how to properly screen?

my eyes aren't so good... looks like plowed his shoulder right into his midsection?
Doesn't look like the coach struck him at all...looked to me like he was showing him how to be physical and just snatched the ball from him...then nudged him with his foot to get up...the way i saw it anyway... :boxing2:

Speaking of overly-intense coaches, search "Year of the Bull" on Youtube. The coach who fights the player played at UT.
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And now ESPN is showing clips from Good Morning America and the kid's crying. Really, really ridiculous.
Didn't look like assault to me... Looks like he was half-assing the drill, the coach came in aggressively to show that he wasn't taking care of the ball. The player gets knocked down, but if you watch the feet of the coach, it's clear he wasn't setting out to throw him to the floor-- the guy just went down hard and easily.

And the coach CERTAINLY didn't kick him when he was down. he nudged him with his foot when he just laid there, and said "Get up!"

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