Auburns Scout Outlook on us next year



Senior Member
Jan 22, 2005
Hey guys found an interesting story I figured you guys would love to hear. My friend recently got married and went to a Sandles resort in Jamaica. Well he meets a guy the last day with an Auburn hat on and they begin chatting and he brings up if he's a football fan or not...well yeah you could say a recruiter for Auburn football....well him and my friend talked for about two hours and according to my friend he told him and I quote: "Tennessee is going to be a powerhouse next year that will sweep through the NCAA's" I thought that was rather high praise coming from an Auburn man....on top of my friend being an FSU fan lol.......He also brought up how Auburn got robbed last year and the scout for Auburn said it broke their kids hearts.....he said that the NCAA told Auburn and I quote "Your schedule wasn't as hard as USC's and that was the deciding factor" Well if I was beating Po Dunk State every other week yeah I could make it to the championship too. Apparently everyone is high on us this year though does that worry yall...we have a history of choking when we get ranked high?
...we have a history of choking when we get ranked high?

I keep hearing that we have a history of choking when we are ranked high. I'm not getting that. We maybe underachieved in 1999, but other than that, I can't remember a year when I really thought we took the gas pipe.

And don't tell me we choked in 2002, we were a MASH unit that year.
I know we really underperformed in 2002, and there may have been some element of a choke involved, but I think it was mainly a completely fluke year for injuries. We had players dropping like flies and were a complete mess by the 4th-5th game of the year.

Whatever you think of 2002 - I still don't see how you can say that we historically choke.
Originally posted by GAVol@Jun 14, 2005 3:36 PM
I know we really underperformed in 2002, and there may have been some element of a choke involved, but I think it was mainly a completely fluke year for injuries.  We had players dropping like flies and were a complete mess by the 4th-5th game of the year.

Whatever you think of 2002 - I still don't see how you can say that we historically choke.

We were ranked high during Manning's tenure, and during Martin's. Top Ten every year except Manning's Frosh season. We were pre-season #8 Casey's Soph year and finished 4th, Started 5th in 2002 finished unranked, started 16th in 2003 ended up 16th. Started 15th in 2004 ended up abourt the same, should have been higher, but what the hey. I think we pretty much live up to be what we are supposed to be.
I don't know if you could say that we have underachieved or not. A lot of it is going to rest on Ainge. He has the size, arm and smarts to lead this team. I can't even say that he doesn't have experience because he got some last year. I am hinting at something here, but I'm not going to say it..

I just look at it this way, we went the SECCG last year...we return almost everybody.....our secondary will be improved....and this team is experienced enough to be able to win those hard road games. It's ours to lose..
As for the Auburn thing, they did not get screwed. Three undefeated from three major conferences. Saying USC didn't deserve to be there - They went undefeated so taking away the chance for them to defend the title would have been crap. That leaves Oklahoma and Auburn, and one of the teams had to get the short end of the stick. I would probably root Auburn on before I ever rooted for Oklahoma, but as an objective observer, I believe Oklahoma earned their shot more than Auburn. What's gone is gone, and we'll never really know if Auburn was a better contender, but the poll voters made the best decision they could going into it.

And yes, that guy is right. With the talent Tennessee has, there's no reason why we should say an undefeated season is unreasonable.
If we lose more than 2 games the whole year, I will consider it underachieving for this year only..
Originally posted by milohimself@Jun 14, 2005 4:51 PM
Saying USC didn't deserve to be there - They went undefeated so taking away the chance for them to defend the title would have been crap.

Why? Auburn and OU also went undefeated in much better conferences.

USC's Pre-Season ranking gave them an "unfair" advantage.

There is no other way to say USC was better....because they won in 2003? 2003 is not 2004 and thus should have NOTHING to do with the following year.

I find it ridiculous USC got a "free pass"
Originally posted by U-T@Jun 14, 2005 2:54 PM
Why? Auburn and OU also went undefeated in much better conferences.

USC's Pre-Season ranking gave them an "unfair" advantage.

There is no other way to say USC was better....because they won in 2003? 2003 is not 2004 and thus should have NOTHING to do with the following year.

I find it ridiculous USC got a "free pass"

I find it ridiculous you're saying a team shouldn't get to defend a national championship even when they go undefeated. The Pac-10 is not quite as good as the other major conferences, but it's not like they're playing in the damned Sun Belt either, which is how a lot of you SEC elitists seem to see it.
USC was defending champs and undefeated. they go
Oklahoma takes the Tie breaker over Auburn due to the fact Oklahoma did not have a 1-AA team on their schedule.
Not the Sun Belt but a worse conference.

USC had no right whatsoever over Auburn or Oklahoma.

To say because of what happened in 2003 meant AU or OU couldn't advance is ridiuclous.

2003 is not 2004 even if returning players and whatnot return. Doesn't mean a damn thing.

Different years, Different team. Should be kept apart
Defending Champs and undefeated those are facts and if Oklahoma was so good why did they get BLOWED OUT. USC as Defending Champs and undefeated had a right to be there fact plain and simple. Auburn playing a 1-AA team forfeited any right in a 3 way tie.
It's just an opinion... And you happen to be one of, if not the only person I have met with the opinion that the national champs shouldn't have had the right to defend the title.

I'm just saying what I believe. Defending national champs automatically earn the chance to retain their title if they go undefeated. Oklahoma played a schedule that was at least as difficult as Auburn's, and looked twice as impressive all season.

It's not because Auburn deserved the short end of the stick, it's just the way things worked out.

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