Back to work TOMORROW

got your Prozac Rx filled? and the liquor cabinet stocked? ha,ha....have fun!... and BTW how many days till winter break?
Wow, the summer did fly!! I just went and got the girls supplies today. They dont start till Sept. 1st. Good luck this year!!!! :p
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Aug 2, 2005 11:31 AM
It's been a good summer, thugh.
Bring on the troops!



Now LiO, here you are talking about getting back in the classroom with those little rugrats and you go and use that nasty ol' word "thugh". What's up with that?

:rlol: :rlol: :rlol: :eek:lol: :eek:lol: :eek:lol: :dlol: :dlol: :dlol: :dlol: :dlol:

You know I love ya, though!?!
Classes start back up August 22nd . . . One of the few things that motivates me about that date getting here is the thought of being at Neyland to watch the UAB game.
Originally posted by surrealvol@Aug 2, 2005 3:18 PM
Now LiO, here you are talking about getting back in the classroom with those little rugrats and you go and use that nasty ol' word "thugh".  What's up with that?

:rlol:  :rlol:  :rlol:  :eek:lol:  :eek:lol:  :eek:lol:  :dlol:  :dlol:  :dlol:  :dlol:  :dlol:

You know I love ya, though!?!

:laugh1: :laugh1: :laugh1: :laugh1: :thumbsup:

Thank goodness she's going back to school tomorrow. It looks like she needs it.
. . . . . . . . . . . Hear that?

It's the world's smallest violin, playing you a tune.

Just messing with you. Hope you enjoyed your summer!
LIO, it is hard to believe the summer is over already.
Originally posted by kiddiedoc@Aug 3, 2005 10:42 AM
LIO is definitely back in "school" mode!  :bottom:

LIO is ALWAYS in school mode, young man!
My feet are KILLING me and my back hurts.

And the kids weren't even there today.

I am only 5 ' tall, so putting stuff up on the walls is murder for me. I hate climbing ladders too.


Don't y'all feel sorry for me?

Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Aug 3, 2005 7:12 PM
Don't y'all feel sorry for me?


Probably somewhere, deep inside me. I just haven't bothered to look.

I am really 5' tall, Surreal. I wouldn't joke about something like that.


My boy students usually wind up as tall as me by the end of the school year. My 10 year old daughter IS as tall as me.

I had to ask for help getting something off an upper shelf at Wal-Mart the other day.



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