Bailout Hearings



Oct 21, 2004
I've been watching for the last 1/2 hour.

Chris Dodd has been suggesting what types of vehicles the Big 3 should make and which markets they should pursue :shakehead:

Shelby is giving them hell.

The Chrysler chief seems the most competent - the GM one the least.
Shelby asked each of them how they got there - did they drive? did they have a driver or did they actually drive the car themselves :eek:lol:
my favorite was the ford ceo saying they would be profitable in 2011. way to be optomistic! this wont be money down the tubes. no not at all
The money is allocated for retooling to produce hybrid vehicles.

That being said after watching wall street get and spend allocated money on buying up smaller banks.

Maybe the big three will buy up 50% of the car dealerships.
Congress says one thing and does another or worse
does nothing.They will flat out lie about it.Possibly
conspire,either to withhold critical information or position
themselves to align with special interest.All to appear to be serving the public interest.It's politics i get it.

Their approval rating....Historically low.

Big business......I wonder what their approval rating
currently is.

I didn't think wall street deserved it.However I think if the Big three used the money responsibly it could make a difference in middle America,Environmentally,and have a profound impact on global trade eventually. While making a big buck,they to could appear to be serving the public interest.
this congressional BS grandstanding to corporate CEOs and deriding them for taking the corporate jet is just pathetic.

I'm a CEO of something that large someday and a freaking congressman jibes me about my lifestyle, I might very well depart the room. Of course, I hope I'm not in a similar begging mode when I do it.
I'm a CEO of something that large someday and a freaking congressman jibes me about my lifestyle, I might very well depart the room. Of course, I hope I'm not in a similar begging mode when I do it.

We all have to kiss a$$ or put up with BS at some point in our lives, these guys are doing pretty good if they have to do it with congressmen.

Nevertheless, I'm sure they are thinking the same thing you are saying.
this is truly disgusting the democrats are now calling this a "bridge loan," while during the tarp hearings all we heard about was a "bailout." Amazing how millions of contributions from the labor unions can help your marketing.
I just read on Yahoo about GM's "letter to the public" where they talk of "betraying our (the consumers') trust. Like we are supposed to feel sorry for them somehow. No. Not gonna feel sorry for them one bit. they knew what they were doing and they should feel the sting. Unfortunately the employees of the car makers will feel it much more.
this congressional BS grandstanding to corporate CEOs and deriding them for taking the corporate jet is just pathetic.

I'm a CEO of something that large someday and a freaking congressman jibes me about my lifestyle, I might very well depart the room. Of course, I hope I'm not in a similar begging mode when I do it.
Being stupid enough to show up at a public hearing where you are going to panhandle and poormouth having been transported there by private jet shows exactly disconnected and downright clueless those three are. The allocation of any funds should be predicated on the immediate resignation of The Three Stooges.
this congressional BS grandstanding to corporate CEOs and deriding them for taking the corporate jet is just pathetic.

I'm a CEO of something that large someday and a freaking congressman jibes me about my lifestyle, I might very well depart the room. Of course, I hope I'm not in a similar begging mode when I do it.
I wish they had walked out. It would have saved the Treasury the money it is going to lose on loans to companies run by those three mental invalids.
Buy Korean. If I ever drop off my meds long enough to consider buying another brand new car, it will be:

We all have to kiss a$$ or put up with BS at some point in our lives, these guys are doing pretty good if they have to do it with congressmen.

Nevertheless, I'm sure they are thinking the same thing you are saying.
And yet there they sit with their hand out, fully expecting the public to cough it up to save those lifestyles because they know their so intergrated in the economy we have no choice. (Insert the evil Ebeneezer Scrooge knowing grin here)
these hearings are such a joke. the hypocrisy of the those politicians is amazing. if i was a ceo up there i think i would just go ballistic.

they are going to end up running the big 3 in the ground.

i ask chris dodd how he lives with himself by allow freddie and fanny to give out bad loans.
these hearings are such a joke. the hypocrisy of the those politicians is amazing. if i was a ceo up there i think i would just go ballistic.

they are going to end up running the big 3 in the ground.

i ask chris dodd how he lives with himself by allow freddie and fanny to give out bad loans.
are you implying that they're starting from above the ground?

Herman Cain on the market; Jan., 21, 2008

Economic concerns have taken center stage in the arenas of media coverage and the presidential campaign, but we do not have to be stupid about what to do. We need to tighten our collective and individual spending belts, and allow the free market dynamics to work the way they are suppose to work.

We also need certainty about the current tax rates, and that they will not expire in 2010. This lingering uncertainty is at the heart of the economic jitters. In the end, the less the president and Congress do to "save the day", the sooner the economy will level off. But as usual, they will do something.

And as usual, the voters will not get their money's worth – just a free bag of popcorn, not realizing that it is already included in the price of the ticket (taxes).

We do not need to talk ourselves into a recession, and we do not need a national economic pity party.
This thing is getting nutty. Apparently Corker had some deal brokered where bond holders, equity holders, management and labor would all make concessions - a pseudo-bankruptcy without going Chapter 11. The sticking point was for the UAW to state a date certain when their wages would be competitive with other auto makers in the US (as determined by the Sec. of Labor). The UAW balked and the Republicans did not support the bill.

Gettlefinger (UAW) just blasted Corker saying he was setting them up. He also claimed that the unions have made all the concessions while management and creditors haven't given anything.

What a mess. But W and Paulson may end around the whole thing using TARP money.

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