Bama Cheating



The Minister of Defense
Apr 29, 2006
Guess where Nick Saban sent Darrington Sentimore to get his needed A in summer school to become elgible. John Curtis High School in Jefferson Louisiana to be with Nick Saban's good buddy JT Curtis. Lets see, Sentimore lives in Destrehan Louisiana which is forty miles from Jefferson, La. Does that make sense to you? If it does you must be one of those Alabama fans that believe that they have won twelve National Championships, when seven are legit. I can't wait to see the meltdown when Saban loses three games this year!

and they want to hold up Walls?
Don't know if it is true or not, but Im sure the bammers will be here in a min. claiming foul, no different than when the textbook deal came out. What most of them fail to realize is, when you get busted, (more than once) the next time something comes up, the general public form an opinion from your past. That is why they catch all this crap, when this stuff comes up, true, or not.
I don't care if he sent him to Africa to get eligible. As long as the clearinghouse is cool with it, so am I.
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Most logical Bama fans (that's probably an oxymoron) do not dismiss the cheating as nothing, and most are disappointed that it has happened.

The real issue comes from other schools' fans taunting and laughing at Bama's misfortunes. It's comparable to OJ Simpson laughing at Scott Peterson for being convicted of murder. Everyone knows OJ did it. Just like everyone knows that every school cheats - its just that not every school gets busted. Just remeber OJ got his in the end, and so too will other schools.

This rumor, whether true or not, isnt worth anybody getting the underbritches in a wad over. Who cares where the kid took the class. If the NCAA has an issue with it, they will not hesitate to deny him via the clearinghouse.
Most logical Bama fans (that's probably an oxymoron) do not dismiss the cheating as nothing, and most are disappointed that it has happened.

The real issue comes from other schools' fans taunting and laughing at Bama's misfortunes. It's comparable to OJ Simpson laughing at Scott Peterson for being convicted of murder. Everyone knows OJ did it. Just like everyone knows that every school cheats - its just that not every school gets busted. Just remeber OJ got his in the end, and so too will other schools.

This rumor, whether true or not, isnt worth anybody getting the underbritches in a wad over. Who cares where the kid took the class. If the NCAA has an issue with it, they will not hesitate to deny him via the clearinghouse.

Pretending that everyone is as sleazy as Alabama about football recruiting is the height of comedy. All teams bend the rules. Alabama simply assumes they don't apply and obliterated them.
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Again if the school knowingly did something wrong than the NCAA will make sure penalties are in place. Why so many people get so worked up about something that is throughly policed I do not understand. If we didn't something wrong so be it. The sad part is these same people want it to be true so that we get in trouble so the UA team is down because they feel that is the only legit way to beat us. That is what is sad. As a true college football fan I would only hope that every team on our schedule has no excuses for when they hit the field and hope they are all top ten teams. I want to beat the best not some excuse, but sadly many don't wont competition.

Now to all the uneducated college football fans out there below is a link to provide some NCAA college football history. The truth is UA has been recognized for 16 NC by different organizations, which we only claim 12 of them, as UT has been recognized for 7 NC. Also understand that several conferences in the south were not credited by certian polls or organizations as national champions because they would not allow players other then white players to participate. Not because they didn't deserve it for being unbeaten. The AP did not start declaring a NC until 1968 and at first they were doing it before the bowl games were played. The USA poll didnt start till much later so who can say what poll or organization is right, because the AP today can name someone different then the BCS.

NCAA Division I FBS National Football Championship - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No come back and argue all you want but those are facts no matter how much you want to spin them.

We don't need the education. We know all of the cheating was Fulmer's fault (much like our trophy drought) and that AL has won every available championship and other programs only win them when Phil tattles on AL.
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Per NCAA--
If any fans, boosters, alumni (or any other supporters) of a university's athletics have any contact (e.g., in-person, instant message, text message, My Space, Facebook, e-mail, at the university contest, etc.) whatsoever with a recruit there could be serious consequences, including the prospect possibly becoming ineligible at that university. It is impermissible for any University to publicize the visit of a prospective student-athlete, this includes but is not limited to, signs encouraging the prospect to attend that said university and chanting the name of the recruit.

By the way this includes painting the rock for recruits visiting if it specifically states their name, but I guess it is alright because it is not Bama right. So we accuse some school for one thing without any credible evidence of wrong doing but yet when there is at another it is overlooked. I could care less where the kid took his class until the NCAA says it was some rule violation than any poster on Rivals is starting a rumor of something he thinks is wrong to stir the pot.
One more note I drove 45 minutes for a summer school class when I was in HS because that is the only they taught the class I needed.
Per NCAA--
If any fans, boosters, alumni (or any other supporters) of a university's athletics have any contact (e.g., in-person, instant message, text message, My Space, Facebook, e-mail, at the university contest, etc.) whatsoever with a recruit there could be serious consequences, including the prospect possibly becoming ineligible at that university. It is impermissible for any University to publicize the visit of a prospective student-athlete, this includes but is not limited to, signs encouraging the prospect to attend that said university and chanting the name of the recruit.

By the way this includes painting the rock for recruits visiting if it specifically states their name, but I guess it is alright because it is not Bama right. So we accuse some school for one thing without any credible evidence of wrong doing but yet when there is at another it is overlooked. I could care less where the kid took his class until the NCAA says it was some rule violation than any poster on Rivals is starting a rumor of something he thinks is wrong to stir the pot.

Where's the italicized portion about blowing through the salary cap?
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Didnt know CFB had a salary cap. Also isnt Meyer' new contract making him the highest paid coach now?
Per NCAA--
If any fans, boosters, alumni (or any other supporters) of a university's athletics have any contact (e.g., in-person, instant message, text message, My Space, Facebook, e-mail, at the university contest, etc.) whatsoever with a recruit there could be serious consequences, including the prospect possibly becoming ineligible at that university. It is impermissible for any University to publicize the visit of a prospective student-athlete, this includes but is not limited to, signs encouraging the prospect to attend that said university and chanting the name of the recruit.

By the way this includes painting the rock for recruits visiting if it specifically states their name, but I guess it is alright because it is not Bama right. So we accuse some school for one thing without any credible evidence of wrong doing but yet when there is at another it is overlooked. I could care less where the kid took his class until the NCAA says it was some rule violation than any poster on Rivals is starting a rumor of something he thinks is wrong to stir the pot.

It's a public rock that anyone can paint on. I don't see a problem. Now, if university personnel did it themselves, I could see the problem. It's not like there's any textbooks stored behind it either.
One if the sign (rock) is on the campus than yes it is the university's responsibility. Also any fan of the school painting it is a violation, just as any fan that contacts a recruit through facebook to promote the university.
One if the sign (rock) is on the campus than yes it is the university's responsibility. Also any fan of the school painting it is a violation, just as any fan that contacts a recruit through facebook to promote the university.

What if you uber-clever AL fans come paint it just to get us in trouble? I know it's a stretch to assume any AL could reason through something like that, but a Vandy fan might.
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One if the sign (rock) is on the campus than yes it is the university's responsibility. Also any fan of the school painting it is a violation, just as any fan that contacts a recruit through facebook to promote the university.

If a common fan painting the rock for a recruit is a violation, as you claim, how come UT has never been in trouble for it? We've been doing it for quite a while now. You can't tell me that no one knows about the rock.
One if the sign (rock) is on the campus than yes it is the university's responsibility. Also any fan of the school painting it is a violation, just as any fan that contacts a recruit through facebook to promote the university.

Unfortunately, there's not much a university can do right now about that. It maybe coming down the line, ant if it is, I doubt the NCAA is going to come up here and take our rock. That would just be utterly hilarious.
Per NCAA--
If any fans, boosters, alumni (or any other supporters) of a university's athletics have any contact (e.g., in-person, instant message, text message, My Space, Facebook, e-mail, at the university contest, etc.) whatsoever with a recruit there could be serious consequences, including the prospect possibly becoming ineligible at that university. It is impermissible for any University to publicize the visit of a prospective student-athlete, this includes but is not limited to, signs encouraging the prospect to attend that said university and chanting the name of the recruit.

By the way this includes painting the rock for recruits visiting if it specifically states their name, but I guess it is alright because it is not Bama right. So we accuse some school for one thing without any credible evidence of wrong doing but yet when there is at another it is overlooked. I could care less where the kid took his class until the NCAA says it was some rule violation than any poster on Rivals is starting a rumor of something he thinks is wrong to stir the pot.

Now thats a stretch. The rock is a student "forum" and has nothing to do with the athletic department.

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