Bammer Paper



Jul 18, 2004
Mobile Register Sports Columnist Neal McCready

UT officials face tough decisions
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
One incident is just that -- one incident.

Two incidents usually are coincidental and unrelated.

Three or four incidents establish a trend.

Eleven incidents represent an epidemic.

On Tuesday, two Tennessee football players -- freshmen Jerod Mayo and Robert Ayers -- were charged with aggravated assault stemming from on-campus fights that broke out between Volunteer football players and UT fraternity members last month.

The charges against Mayo and Ayers come just two days after quarterback Brent Schaeffer and star wide receiver Bret Smith were arrested and charged with assaulting a Tennessee student who had been arguing with Schaeffer's girlfriend at an on-campus dormitory.

If you're counting run-ins with the law involving Tennessee football players since February 2004 -- arrests or citations that have included everything from felony aggravated assault to disorderly conduct to misdemeanor shoplifting -- you've run out of fingers and you only have nine toes left. At this pace, some of Tennessee's most ardent fans are going to need a refresher course from that fourth-grade arithmetic lesson they repeatedly failed before their daddies bought off the elementary school teacher with a bottle of homemade moonshine.

Tennessee head football coach/parole officer Phillip Fulmer finally issued a statement Tuesday, saying he is "not happy now."

To prove it, Fulmer indefinitely suspended Schaeffer and Smith from the UT team -- or until he needs them to help win a football game. All of the above will miss Saturday's Orange and White spring game.

Yep, that'll show'em.

On Tuesday, Fulmer also announced that reserve linebacker Daniel Brooks has been suspended from the Vols' first two games of the 2005 season. Brooks, who was accused of punching a Tennessee student in the face during an off-campus party in December, has been an on-field bust since signing with Tennessee after a heated recruiting battle that included Alabama and Mississippi. His absence will have no impact on the Volunteers' season-opening games against UAB and Florida.

Fulmer also ordered Brooks to complete community service. Shoot, he'll probably have to read aloud Diane Sanford's inspirational notes in the Vols' locker room during August camp.

"I think what you've had is a few guys who've been consistent problems and have represented us poorly," Fulmer told The Tennessean. "We've had a bad run of some bad decisions by a few kids, and we're nothing more than a reflection of society in many ways. The large majority of our football team is embarrassed by that. We're all embarrassed. When one of us doesn't behave well, we're all embarrassed."

Given the current rate of embarrassment, UT should consider redecorating its end zones from the traditional orange and white checkerboard design to blushing red or black and white horizontal stripes.

The episode involving Schaeffer and Smith, if reported accurately, is reprehensible. Police reports indicate that UT student Quantavious Emerson was hit in the neck by Schaeffer around 5:15 a.m. Sunday. Schaeffer allegedly threw Emerson to the floor, at which point Smith hit him.

"I can't put my finger on why we've had so many of those things, but we're trying to find out," Fulmer said.

Allow me to help. Tennessee has become a football factory. It is a microcosm of what is wrong with college athletics. Kids who have no business in college are turned into heroes and walk around campuses with a sense of entitlement. Coaches like Fulmer who direct winning programs get paid millions of dollars per year regardless of how many visits their players make to the local jail.

It's all about priorities. Tennessee needs to establish them. Here's betting UT officials essentially look away. After all, there are games to be won, even if the kids who are winning them are nothing short of thugs.
Like I said before, these guys need to figure out what they want to do. They can either embarrass the university or play football. I can't be both...
Boy, this is a real eye-opener; Bama folks talking about dirty programs.

Bear Bryant was the dirtiest recruiter in the history of the game. Logan Young bought, paid and delivered the best football team money could buy for years for the old Bear.

As he said when Texas A&M hired him, "What it's going to take is a s#it load of money, you tell him (rich booster) that."

Yep. I really take note when Bammers tell us we're dirty.

Some very young kids made some very foolish choices. I believe CPF will get it under control.

He tossed Brandon and Banks and he'll toss these if they don't get it right.

It isn't fair to a kid whose only had 1 strike to toss him simply because several other kids chose to mess up and get a first strike all near the same time.

This isn't good. It is bad. It will work itself out though.

It's not like we're paying high school coaches 125K for players.

Some folks really do need to get their priorities straight. Schools who have had head coaches cheat on their wives with their university secretaries, and another who got caught taking hookers to hotel rooms and ringing up $900.00 bills on their university credit cards without ever coaching a down, really should have enough sense to keep their stupid, self-righteous, meddling, did I say stupid, oh .. yeah, out of other's business. It would appear Bama has enough in their recent rear view window to take care of without worrying about us.
This whole deal sucks!!! I have spent the day at work listening to comment after comment about the problems at "my big orange"! And make no mistake, it is now and will ever be "MY BIG ORANGE!". So I swallow my orange pride, take a deep breath, and say yes, there is a problem and Coach will fix it. And here is the point of this... Coach Fulmer will fix this!!! He is a stand up man with pride and respect for his alma mater, and I am certain he feels this as deeply, likely more so, than us loyal, disappointed fans.
As for those who pull for other schools and are getting a royal kick out of this, I can only say take your shots now, we've probably got it coming on this. But, buckle your chin straps tight, because there is a football season coming and the University of Tennessee is getting ready to play some hell bent for leather football!
So bring it on boys, we'll see you this fall!!

Now, and forever... GO BIG ORANGE!!!
Originally posted by Volstorm@Apr 13, 2005 11:52 AM
It is a microcosm of what is wrong with college athletics. Kids who have no business in college are turned into heroes and walk around campuses with a sense of entitlement. Coaches like Fulmer who direct winning programs get paid millions of dollars per year regardless of how many visits their players make to the local jail.

What kind of kids are the ones who don't deserve to go to college?? Amazing that an "educated" man would make such a statement. (educated used loosely) They use what God gave them to better themselves and get an opportunity they would never have any other way. 99% of them are good kids, but this Bammer chooses to concentrate on the negatives. I guess if I cheered for Bama I would be negative too.

I, for one, would never stand for Fulmer staying the coach if I thought this was the direction the program was headed, and I am sure most of you feel the same. I believe it has just been a bad month for some immature 18-20 year olds. I mean if everything I did in college was put in the paper every day, I would not have lasted long @ UT. I trust that the Ath. Dept. will get to the bottom of this and all will be dealt with appropriately. As an alum and donor, that's all I can hope for. Just my :twocents:
LOL....That was one of the most entertaining articles I have ever read. There is a LOT fo things I could say about the man who wrote this but I won't. Don't worry though, the annual "beatdown" will take place once again this year and it'll fuel the fire some more. I almost feel sorry for Bammers. The Schaeffer/Smith incident led the sport news in Birmingham the other night. They showed extensive video of Brent while playing the "Bad Boys" theme song. Their hatred for Tennessee has completely consumed them and its a sad sight to see. We got some more for you this year, Bama. That article is an embarrassment to responsible journalism, but it will please the crazed masses in Bamaland.
bammer reporters and news men need to stay out of our business.

they can talk with their friends and all that stuff. but there is no need to write an article.

get ur priorities straight punk. stay our of our business. see ya oct. 22, if yall show up.
Originally posted by OldVol@Apr 13, 2005 12:24 PM
This isn't good. It is bad. It will work itself out though.

It's not like we're paying high school coaches 125K for players.

Some folks really do need to get their priorities straight. Schools who have had head coaches cheat on their wives with their university secretaries, and another who got caught taking hookers to hotel rooms and ringing up $900.00 bills on their university credit cards without ever coaching a down, really should have enough sense to keep their stupid, self-righteous, meddling, did I say stupid, oh .. yeah, out of other's business. It would appear Bama has enough in their recent rear view window to take care of without worrying about us.

Well said OV. :clap:

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