Originally posted by VolBeef88@Sep 7, 2005 2:13 PM
Some of you on here tuned me in to tidefans.com
Is it just me or do they remind you of Beavis and Butthead with their remarks about UT and CPF?
Here is an example:
"Coach Phat" "Coach Krispy Kream" etc...
Just go read the threads and imagine Beavis and Butthead. You will laugh.
Originally posted by VolBeef88@Sep 7, 2005 1:13 PM
Some of you on here tuned me in to tidefans.com
Is it just me or do they remind you of Beavis and Butthead with their remarks about UT and CPF?
Here is an example:
"Coach Phat" "Coach Krispy Kream" etc...
Just go read the threads and imagine Beavis and Butthead. You will laugh.