

Aug 29, 2006
Well i just joined a bama forum and got drilled.......I even wished em good luck and got drilled what classy fans
Not sure which one you joined, but go over to Tidefans and as long as you go on there and NOT talk trash, you will be welcomed, um...fairly well. There are quite a few UT fans that we have good conversations with. If you already tried to join them and you got banned, then you probably talked too much trash. The moderators over there are pretty strict at times....

*I say "fairly well" because, of course, this is the Alabama/Tennessee rivalry were talking about....
I just wasted too much time over there. All I read can be summed up as "Phil likes donuts". That's about the extent of intelligence being tossed around over there....that and a lot of people worried about this weekend!! :rock:
Not sure which one you joined, but go over to Tidefans and as long as you go on there and NOT talk trash, you will be welcomed, um...fairly well. There are quite a few UT fans that we have good conversations with. If you already tried to join them and you got banned, then you probably talked too much trash. The moderators over there are pretty strict at times....

*I say "fairly well" because, of course, this is the Alabama/Tennessee rivalry were talking about....
Dude, that's weird...Talking smack as an opposing fan is usually something we can't get enough of....anyway, ya'll keep hanging out here. We're "big tent".
Tidefans welcome a UT fan? Maybe one or two, maybe but they have to kiss serious Bama butt.

I never got past the screen name: UcheaT?_UAlso!
They didn't think so, I had to change my name to SEClover to get back in. But I got bored not being able to disclose a Vol identity, so I haven't posted in months.
I will tell you in a heartbeat that the Mods over there can sometimes be very very strict. Too strict at times. I have, many times over the years, had discussions with them wondering why they have to ban or delete messages that THEY dont agree with. Its a losing battle with them though.

Tidefans is a good place to find accurate info on players, teams, stats or etc...

They do not allow the rumor mill to get started at all. If you heard someone got hurt or in trouble from any school, you better have a link to back it up. None of this he said she said stuff or they will delete it. They feel like there are enough message boards out there (for all the teams) that you can trash-talk, rumor mill, or talk out of your tail so they decided not to be like that.

About the screen name they declined "UcheaT?_UAlso!" I can see why they would delete it. I thought it was hilarious myself. But they are not going to allow someone else to come onto their board and trash the Tide. Just as this board would not allow me to come on here Saturday night, Sunday or Monday (IF we win) and talk trash and put UT down.

Tidefans does have some double standards at times, but it is their board and they keep control of it. Come over, keep it civil, talk a little trash, and all will be ok. If you come over putting us down on a conitual basis or talking trash all the time, you will get banned. I would not expect anything different from this board here either.

If (HUGE if) we win, I will sign on with this same screen name that night and talk a little trash just to show you that its not only Tidefans that does it. As a matter of fact, if we just get the lead I will come on for a few topics. I wont be vulgar, just talk trash and see how long I stay. I would not blame you at all....

(of course, you probably wont have anything to worry about with me talking trash this weekend anyway, hahaha :) )
I just wasted too much time over there. All I read can be summed up as "Phil likes donuts". That's about the extent of intelligence being tossed around over there....that and a lot of people worried about this weekend!! :rock:

In all honesty, I think Phil has dropped a few pounds. A season like last year will take your appetite.

As a matter of fact, if we just get the lead I will come on for a few topics. I wont be vulgar, just talk trash and see how long I stay.

As long as you're not vulgar and don't take personal shots, you'll be here as long as you want. That's not the way we work around here.
tidefans is the low rent district of all SEC forums. If you don't end your sentences with RTR you get banned. Thier mods are more like the Gestapo than anything else.
they are making fun of our accent and apparently they are english name is Volsfan9266 on that forum now
I've never understood how hotheaded people are on internet message boards. So what if you had an anti-Bama screenname? Message boards in general are getting way too strict for my tastes and to finding a good one is a tough task.

Don't let a couple of folks on our message boards to give our entire fanbase a bad rap. I know some classy Vol fans in north Alabama, and some obnoxious ones as well. Every school has their fair share of bad apples.
I just wasted too much time over there. All I read can be summed up as "Phil likes donuts". That's about the extent of intelligence being tossed around over there....that and a lot of people worried about this weekend!! :rock:

yeah couple of nights ago their moderator was saying the key to the game was to break Ainge's leg or arm really classy place.
Now thats just not right at all. You would not hear that at crimsontusk or there would be somebody getting in trouble. That's not something to joke about at all.
Unfortunately everyone has their fair share of morons. Some maybe more then others but they are there.
I think Tidefans is a good source for info on the tide. They are very knowledgable about the game and have a passion for their team. About the S/N, I just liked it and if everyone on here knew me, I never trolled anyone a day in my life. I might get into a disagreement , but I would only post facts, not ridicule other. I post more on cfbmedia under darth promiscuous, tho.

However, this is the best place to hang and talk about the Vols.
I received this message when I logged on today. I haven't talked a bit of trash, and I've been respectful to everyone on that board in the short time I've been a member.

vBulletin Message
You have been banned for the following reason:​

Date the ban will be lifted: October 17th, 2007, 11:00 PM​

Banned for a year... no reason at all.

VN Store
