I will tell you in a heartbeat that the Mods over there can sometimes be very very strict. Too strict at times. I have, many times over the years, had discussions with them wondering why they have to ban or delete messages that THEY dont agree with. Its a losing battle with them though.
Tidefans is a good place to find accurate info on players, teams, stats or etc...
They do not allow the rumor mill to get started at all. If you heard someone got hurt or in trouble from any school, you better have a link to back it up. None of this he said she said stuff or they will delete it. They feel like there are enough message boards out there (for all the teams) that you can trash-talk, rumor mill, or talk out of your tail so they decided not to be like that.
About the screen name they declined "UcheaT?_UAlso!" I can see why they would delete it. I thought it was hilarious myself. But they are not going to allow someone else to come onto their board and trash the Tide. Just as this board would not allow me to come on here Saturday night, Sunday or Monday (IF we win) and talk trash and put UT down.
Tidefans does have some double standards at times, but it is their board and they keep control of it. Come over, keep it civil, talk a little trash, and all will be ok. If you come over putting us down on a conitual basis or talking trash all the time, you will get banned. I would not expect anything different from this board here either.
If (HUGE if) we win, I will sign on with this same screen name that night and talk a little trash just to show you that its not only Tidefans that does it. As a matter of fact, if we just get the lead I will come on for a few topics. I wont be vulgar, just talk trash and see how long I stay. I would not blame you at all....
(of course, you probably wont have anything to worry about with me talking trash this weekend anyway, hahaha
