Banks back to UT



Bandwagon Mod
Staff member
Feb 2, 2005
It looks like James Banks will be coming back to UT. Trooper is bringing him back to lecture the team about being a Vol athlete. Trooper is head of player development for the team.

What do you think? I think this could be great for the incoming freshmen. I hope he leads off the talk with a highlight tape showing that he had enormous talent.

If Banks does do this, he gains a whole new level of my respect.
I got it from govols. They had and article on it and Trooper mentioned it in his interview w/ Dave Hooker. I'll see if I can't copy an exerpt.
If he comes in and helps develops our players, Swallows his pride and basically talks about his personal failures all for the benefit of the Vols. I say let this kid back on the team. Do you know hao many people myself included would have trouble swallowing that pill? I might do it but it takes great character and alot of intestinal fortitude to accept that role. If he does this and Fulmer still refuses to let him come back I have a severe problem with CPF judgement of character. I wonder if Jamal Lewis would come back and speak about the dangers of selling cocaine? I severly doubt it and I like Jamal.

Props to ya Banks!!
I don't know shodges. I am not sure the issue is if Banks is worthy to come back now. I think Fulmer is going to have to stick to his guns since Banks was given multiple chances before. With that said, I would love to have Banks talent on the team.
Freak I agree whole heartedly!! However, this kid has NFL talent and poor judgement. But the poor judgement is outweighed by the character this would show. If he returns he would obviously have to earn a spot in the WR rotation. Which despite his talent is not going to be easy by any means. Secondly he will KNOW he has to keep his nose spotless. Throw Banks back into our WR rotations with Meachem and Co. Ainge, Riggs, so on. We are a juggernaut on offense. As much as I like our recievers Banks has PROVEN Big Play talent and apparently alot of character and love for this school

But how many chances does he get? How many times was he told to keep his nose clean and he couldn't do it? I just don't buy the "I promise to do it now" routine. He knew what was at stake when he was given multiple chances and he blew it. It sucks for Banks but he needs to grow up.

IMHO, his speaking to the current team carries much more weight if he is not allowed back. It shows that even with the talent, you still must behave like any other citizen or student. I don't know if he could even get in our WR rotation now.
Anyone who watched the UT/Bama replay on CSS last night is itching to have Banks back
I watched the last two overtimes when I saw it was on... what a classic game... Banks made some amazing catches that year.

All that said, didn't Mike Hamilton come out last week and say Banks could not come back, no way no how? It was in the Tennessean. I don't think that call is completely coach Fulmer's to make.
While I would love to have him back it would only tell the rest of the team that there is always a way back in. He had multiple chances while at UT and of course he is sorry now after he blew it. It is great that he is willing to talk to the players about behavior now but letting him back in would completely contradict the point of even having him speak. What good would that do...I screwed up on multiple occasions so now I have to talk to you about decision making to get my spot back? These players have to be shown that there are real, permanant consequences to be paid if you make poor decisions.
Chuck, that's exactly what I was thinking...... and I'm afraid of.

I really cannot fathom the logic behind this at all, if it proves to be true.

If he was kicked off the team, then he should not be a part of the team at all. I hope he's changed his life around for the better, but to let him back with the team in any capacity would be sending an extremely mixed signal to the players.
I don't see anything wrong with Banks talking to the team. He is a great example of what can happen. Besides, my money would be on Banks thinking that this is his last chance to prove to the coaches that he has straightened out. So I don't think that he will partying much with anybody.
I can hear the speech now . . .

"First of all . . . when you submit a tainted sample, microwave it first so that the specimen is not 45 degrees when you hand it over to the nurse."
as bad as i hate to say it he should stay gone to send a message to the younger players on the team but imagine if he did come back our wr core would be even greater
Originally posted by vols1@Jun 5, 2005 5:01 AM
as bad as i hate to say it he should stay gone to send a message to the younger players on the team but imagine if he did come back our wr core would be even greater

We'll do just fine w/o him.

Originally posted by vol_freak@Jun 3, 2005 11:11 AM
I don't know shodges. I am not sure the issue is if Banks is worthy to come back now. I think Fulmer is going to have to stick to his guns since Banks was given multiple chances before. With that said, I would love to have Banks talent on the team.

Right on Freak!

James used up all his chances. To give him another now just sends the wrong message to the next kid just waiting to get into the next brawl.

I say he's doing the right thing by sticking.

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