Banks Is Denied Chance To Play For Ut



Apr 26, 2005
just read this on

Tennessee coach Phillip Fulmer said "no'' to James Banks' attempt to return to play for the Vols on Monday afternoon.

"Coach Fulmer gave me a call today and told me, and I said I understand, and I wanted him to know that I'm sorry,'' Banks told the News-Sentinel Monday night. "Right now, I don't know what I'll do next.''
Banks spent the spring semester attending Division III Franklin College near his hometown of Indianapolis.

Banks said he's not sure if he's academically qualified to play Division I-AA football this fall. If he is, that likely will be his route.

"I'm looking to play,'' said Banks, a former high school All-America quarterback who led UT in receiving in 2003.

If he's not qualified for Division I-AA, Banks said he'll likely enroll in a Division I-A school for a year before trying to play out his eligibility.

"I have no hard feelings,'' said Banks, who played two seasons for the Vols. "I understand Tennessee's decision. I understand rules and standards. You can't bring me back without there being a guarantee.''

Banks, who sat out last season with a knee injury, had numerous violations at UT prior to his dismissal in December.

Banks failed a substance test in December of 2003 and was suspended for the first half of the Peach Bowl. In March of 2004, a verbal confrontation with a fellow UT student led to Banks being suspended for spring drills. Last July, Banks was charged with underage drinking and a noise ordinance. The charges were dismissed. Banks said he was involved in an alcohol rehabilitation clinic in Texas over the summer.

In December, Banks submitted a tainted urinalysis test, using a prosthetic device.

UT test administrators caught Banks when his urinalysis test didn't come in at the proper temperature.

"I wasn't doing the right things, (and) I didn't pass any classes,'' Banks said. "It's been my dream to play ball, and when it got stripped away, it's like 'Oh God.' "

"I'll stay at home (this summer), work with my dad and wait for fall,'' Banks said. "I'll have hoped to talk to more schools by fall. I'm clean. I can pass any test, any time.''

Originally posted by goainge330@May 23, 2005 8:07 PM
"I have no hard feelings,'' said Banks, who played two seasons for the Vols. "I understand Tennessee's decision. I understand rules and standards. You can't bring me back without there being a guarantee.''

At least it looks like he grew up through this ordeal. Even though I would have like to seen him come back CPF obviously did the right thing. I wish him well, and I hope he gets his grades in order so that he could play in D1 again. :clap:
i agree i truely believe banks is sincere and has learned from this and its for his good i wish him the best wherever he plays
I hope that Banks can rebound from all of this and I hope that he has learned his lesson. If he is truly sincere and has his head on straight now, something will open up for him down the road.
Originally posted by Orangewhiteblood@May 23, 2005 9:26 PM
I hope that Banks can rebound from all of this and I hope that he has learned his lesson.  If he is truly sincere and has his head on straight now, something will open up for him down the road.

Well, I guess this gives Pat Forde something new to write about.

I wanted Banks back.

I think Phil did the right thing.

To have brought the young man back would be akin to how a lot of parents discipline their children, myself included, but only a very few times.

When you tell a child, "If you do this, I'm going to do this" then you fail to follow through on your promise, then the child, and especially their siblings become emboldened to push the envelope a bit further next time.

With all of the problems we've had due to a lack of discipline, now is not a good time to bend the rules farther than they've been bent before.
Originally posted by OldVol@May 23, 2005 10:13 PM
I think Phil did the right thing.

To have brought the young man back would be akin to how a lot of parents discipline their children, myself included, but only a very few times.

When you tell a child, "If you do this, I'm going to do this" then you fail to follow through on your promise, then the child, and especially their siblings become emboldened to push the envelope a bit further next time.

With all of the problems we've had due to a lack of discipline, now is not a good time to bend the rules farther than they've been bent before.

Couldn't agree more. Fulmer did the right thing. I would have liked to have Banks back as well, but could you imagine the criticism Fulmer would catch, and the microscope Banks would be under?

He's better off finding somewhere else to play, and getting his life in order.
Phil did the right thing..
Good luck James..hope you have everything straightened out..
glad to hear UT sticking to their guns on this one. we dont need anymore reputations for trouble makers at our school.
CPF made the right decision. JB needs to move on. I wish him only the best and hopefully he has learned and will be in the NFL someday.

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