


The White Debonair
Nov 28, 2005
What is salvation?

How do you gain it?

What is baptsim?

How do you perform it?

Does baptism bring salvation?

:dance2: :dance2: :dance2: :air_kiss:
You have earned a ticket to hell for this post. You will now receive no prevenient grace, no santification, justification, or salvation.
You have earned a ticket to hell for this post. You will now receive no prevenient grace, no santification, justification, or salvation.


:fworks: :fworks: :fworks:
(OrangeEmpire @ Aug 7 said:
What is salvation?

How do you gain it?

What is baptsim?

How do you perform it?

Does baptism bring salvation?

:dance2: :dance2: :dance2: :air_kiss:

i am neither religious, nor a christian. that being said, from growing up in a christian household and reading my fair share of the bible, the answers to your questions are (theoretically, or not depending on who you are) please do not be offended by the use of quotations as i am only answering the questions at hand.

1) for lack of better choice of words, the "ticket" to heaven
2) devoting your life to, and believing, the doctrine (the "word of God") and Jesus Christ. Baptism is a part of this
3) baptism is an act symbolising the "washing clean" of sins
4) immersion into water
5) only if you continue your devotion (see number 2)
Although this hardly seems like a political issue to me, I'll answer the question. Accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior brings salvation. Period. End of story. You don't have to be baptized. As another poster already stated, baptism is symbolic.

so would someone mind 'splainin' to Ricky what will happen to millions who walked the earth without being exposed to religion? If they didn't accept Jesus Christ and your Lord and Savior 'cause they didn't know about him, are they bound for hell?
(BHAMVOLFAN @ Aug 7 said:
so would someone mind 'splainin' to Ricky what will happen to millions who walked the earth without being exposed to religion? If they didn't accept Jesus Christ and your Lord and Savior 'cause they didn't know about him, are they bound for hell?

They're probably better off now than the people in the Old Testament. God was a jealous God, and he killed you if you didn't believe he was the only God. Atleast that's what the OT says.
Although this hardly seems like a political issue to me, I'll answer the question.

Politics and religion do not mix? Are we not the ever critical one! :bad: :birgits_giggle:

Talk to the administration about that, they moved my other religious threads to this forum. So I post them in this forum.

:air_kiss: :biggrin2:

What is salvation?
Spending a night on the hill with 108000 of your closest friends

How do you gain it?
Works alone. You must attend the game, and stay on your feet.

What is baptsim?
Being dunked in the Tennessee river by an official member of the Vol Navy

How do you perform it?
Piss a member of the Vol Navy off

Does baptism bring salvation?
Only if you also attend the UT game and buy an Arian Foster jersey, and a hotdog for his Freakiness.

What is salvation?
Spending a night on the hill with 108000 of your closest friends

How do you gain it?
Works alone. You must attend the game, and stay on your feet.

What is baptsim?
Being dunked in the Tennessee river by an official member of the Vol Navy

How do you perform it?
Piss a member of the Vol Navy off

Does baptism bring salvation?
Only if you also attend the UT game and buy an Arian Foster jersey, and a hotdog for his Freakiness.

Someone actually has a sense of humor.............who would have thunk it? :dunno:
(OrangeEmpire @ Aug 7 said:
What is salvation?

How do you gain it?

What is baptsim?

How do you perform it?

Does baptism bring salvation?

:dance2: :dance2: :dance2: :air_kiss:

1. Salvation is the acceptance of the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross. It means you have chosen to 100% follow Christ and not the world. You must be born again.

2. 1. Admit your a sinner 2. Believe in God and the sacrifice of his son 3. Confess with you mouth and invite God to dwell in your heart. You must be born again.

3. Baptism is a public display of your acceptance of God's salvation plan.

4. Different religions have different baptisms. Personally, I believe that Baptism is best represented when a person is completely submerged in water and brought up again. This shows people that your old body of the world has been laid to rest, and you have been born again to a new life with Christ.

5. In no way does Baptism bring Salvation.
(smoke_em06 @ Aug 8 said:
1. Salvation is the acceptance of the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross. It means you have chosen to 100% follow Christ and not the world. You must be born again.

2. 1. Admit your a sinner 2. Believe in God and the sacrifice of his son 3. Confess with you mouth and invite God to dwell in your heart. You must be born again.

3. Baptism is a public display of your acceptance of God's salvation plan.

4. Different religions have different baptisms. Personally, I believe that Baptism is best represented when a person is completely submerged in water and brought up again. This shows people that your old body of the world has been laid to rest, and you have been born again to a new life with Christ.

5. In no way does Baptism bring Salvation.

OE, the blame for all of this rests on your shoulders alone.
(Vol423 @ Aug 7 said:
Although this hardly seems like a political issue to me, I'll answer the question. Accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior brings salvation. Period. End of story. You don't have to be baptized. As another poster already stated, baptism is symbolic.

So, how do you account for the many verses of the new testament that specifically tell you to be baptizd for the remission of your sins, and you will be saved. salavation is a byproduct of baptism. Yes, baptism is symbolic to a degree. But, is required for salvation to be gained. Where do people get that you don't have to do anything.
(GVF @ Aug 8 said:
So, how do you account for the many verses of the new testament that specifically tell you to be baptizd for the remission of your sins, and you will be saved. salavation is a byproduct of baptism. Yes, baptism is symbolic to a degree. But, is required for salvation to be gained. Where do people get that you don't have to do anything.

There you go again, GVF. Once again you are narrowing down the window of who gets into heaven. Yet, you firmly believe this, however, you stated that Ghandi might have made it. GHANDI WAS NEVER BAPTISED! So, to you, he is burning and suffering eternal damnation in hell.

Also, now that you have narrowed it down to Baptism, exactly which Baptisms are deserving of God's approval? Total submersion? Baptism in the name of the Trinity? Baptism only through CoC or certain sects of Christianity?
Although this hardly seems like a political issue to me, I'll answer the question. Accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior brings salvation. Period. End of story. You don't have to be baptized. As another poster already stated, baptism is symbolic.

So, how do you account for the many verses of the new testament that specifically tell you to be baptizd for the remission of your sins, and you will be saved. salavation is a byproduct of baptism. Yes, baptism is symbolic to a degree. But, is required for salvation to be gained. Where do people get that you don't have to do anything.

When I first read that, I was thinking he was replying to the political question(s)....... :birgits_giggle:
We were studying 1st Corinthians 12 this weekend and this verse stood out for me: (NIV)
12The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. 13For we were all baptized by[c] one Spirit into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.

This sounds a lot broader to me than the "only my sect gets into heaven" mentatility.

(vader @ Aug 8 said:
We were studying 1st Corinthians 12 this weekend and this verse stood out for me: (NIV)
This sounds a lot broader to me than the "only my sect gets into heaven" mentatility.

Unfortunately, Jews in that sense refers less to religious affiliation and more to ethnicity. Basically, states that Jews who are baptised Christians belong to the body.

I do not subscribe to the notion that one must accept Christ in this life or burn in hell for all eternity. There are just too many good people that would be burning in hell, including all babies and all children who have yet to pursue baptism.

The only reason I bring this up, is because somebody else would have rebuked it any way, and then fed you a line of crap about how they do not believe they are better then everyone else, just that they are the only people deserving of salvation...I just figured I would save them the trouble, and save myself the angst over having to read that BS again.
(therealUT @ Aug 8 said:
There you go again, GVF. Once again you are narrowing down the window of who gets into heaven. Yet, you firmly believe this, however, you stated that Ghandi might have made it. GHANDI WAS NEVER BAPTISED! So, to you, he is burning and suffering eternal damnation in hell.

Also, now that you have narrowed it down to Baptism, exactly which Baptisms are deserving of God's approval? Total submersion? Baptism in the name of the Trinity? Baptism only through CoC or certain sects of Christianity?

There you go again, telling me that what I find in scripture means nothing and that I am not allowed to think outloud what God says in the bible. Putting nothing but sugar on your teeth leads to cavities. The Bible says it friend. Take it up with God.
(vader @ Aug 8 said:
We were studying 1st Corinthians 12 this weekend and this verse stood out for me: (NIV)
This sounds a lot broader to me than the "only my sect gets into heaven" mentatility.

Well, I lost the scripture quote, but it is above. Gut, thanks for the verse. Point well made, it does belong to anybody and not just one sect. All who receive can have it.
(therealUT @ Aug 8 said:
There you go again, GVF. Once again you are narrowing down the window of who gets into heaven. Yet, you firmly believe this, however, you stated that Ghandi might have made it. GHANDI WAS NEVER BAPTISED! So, to you, he is burning and suffering eternal damnation in hell.

Also, now that you have narrowed it down to Baptism, exactly which Baptisms are deserving of God's approval? Total submersion? Baptism in the name of the Trinity? Baptism only through CoC or certain sects of Christianity?

The Bible teaches baptism as immersion in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It has to be Trinity. The three are one, and the one is three. If a person says they hv been baptized according to new testament teachings, immersion baptism in the Trinity, they were added to the Body (God's family). Baptism is into Christ, not a building or religion. I can't question someone if they know they were saved for the remission of their sins in this fashion. Being a self studied scholar you know the root text of baptism is immersion. Expamples of baptism in the new testament are going down into the water. Where any description of the act itself is given none refer to any other method.
I really think that if more people spent more time in the actual word of God and less time in the sugar coated feel good religious creations of man, there would be a better understanding of what god wants in your life. There is a flip side to all the wonderful things God can give you. There are two sides to life. We make understanding the scriptures hard. They are not hard.You cannot carveup the scriptures and throw out parts of the commands. It is a complete unit. As harsh as it sounds, there is eternal punishment as well. But, salvation is laid out there, just the way he gave it to us. We have not the authority to change the rules. What we get is either our rewrd or our fault.
(GVF @ Aug 8 said:
The Bible teaches baptism as immersion in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It has to be Trinity. The three are one, and the one is three. If a person says they hv been baptized according to new testament teachings, immersion baptism in the Trinity, they were added to the Body (God's family). Baptism is into Christ, not a building or religion. I can't question someone if they know they were saved for the remission of their sins in this fashion. Being a self studied scholar you know the root text of baptism is immersion. Expamples of baptism in the new testament are going down into the water. Where any description of the act itself is given none refer to any other method.

Baptism as most people on this board are describing it is little more than an initiation into a particular denomination or faith.

(GVF @ Aug 8 said:
I really think that if more people spent more time in the actual word of God and less time in the sugar coated feel good religious creations of man, there would be a better understanding of what god wants in your life. There is a flip side to all the wonderful things God can give you. There are two sides to life. We make understanding the scriptures hard. They are not hard.You cannot carveup the scriptures and throw out parts of the commands. It is a complete unit. As harsh as it sounds, there is eternal punishment as well. But, salvation is laid out there, just the way he gave it to us. We have not the authority to change the rules. What we get is either our rewrd or our fault.

Given the fact that the original language of the NT is mostly in the Greek language, everything we read in the english bible is a watered down translation anyway. If understanding the scriptures was that easy, there would only be one language and one version. This is a point that Muslims make when dissecting the Christian faith.

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