Baseball and football comparison.



“Wanna play ball scarecrow “
Oct 23, 2005
I may be wrong but our baseball team reminds me of some UT football teams of the past that have had the players good enough for draft day but came up short for the season as far as W-L records are concerned.I'm not throwing the towel in on UT yet , but I will say that with the caliber of players we have on the roster , possible 3 pro prospects, we should be having a way better season.:confused:
I wasn't aware their record was so bad.I was diapponted with the fielding late in that Vandy game though.Looked like the 1st baseman should have been kicked back some as well as the second baseman.Maybe I'm wrong here.............
It just seems like the last couple of years our baseball team has been talented enough to make a strong run in the postseason or the regular season. I mean I know we've made it to a couple of college world series, but it seems like these last 2 years we've been just as talented as a majority of the rest of the SEC, but we've failed to make the conference tournament. I know we've had injuries but we should have been able to adjust to that.
i completely agree, i have been a Delmonico supporter, even this year, but now that we have our two best players back in teh lineup (Arencibia and Borbon), we have not improved any. This team is MORE than talented enough to be making the NCAA Tournament, much less the SEC Tournament. IF we miss the SEC Tourney 2 years in a row, its seriously time to consider re-evaluating this program, starting with the head coach, because next year Borbon, Arencibia, and Adkins aren't going to be here. There is NO reason Kentucky should be making improvements like they have and we aren't.
I wonder if his son being on the team distracts him from coaching in a normal matter.I suppose it's his son or brother's son with same last name.
I wonder if his son being on the team distracts him from coaching in a normal matter.I suppose it's his son or brother's son with same last name.

It's his son. He left Farragut as a junior and got his GED to come play for dear old dad.
I suppose an overall ERA of about 4.5 (plus) is the real culprit.Our pitching overall is...............:no: .
Tony also boots 3 groundballs per series.
Pitchers worse nightmare.That or outfielders that let fly balls drop in front of them instead of being aggressive and catching them (as long as players in outfiled back each other up) :banghead2: .
If you want to compare Delmonico and Fulmer, then I would give the edge to Fulmer. He's won an National Championship. Tennessee (in baseball) just comes out of nowhere every 6-7 years and goes to the Regionals.

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