basketball team



Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2004
our b-ball team sucks and always will. we are a football school. if we pumped money into b-ball like we did football then maybe it would be different. dont blame the coach. its our lousy players.
Dale, we pump as much money into basketball as anyone. Money is not an issue. At issue is that the program was allowed to be run down by former ADs. We've had multiple coaching changes over the past 15-20 years. We are no longer on any 4 or 5 star recruit's list. Buzz is ok with x and o stuff. And I agree, our players have not shown a lot of desire. BUT, the last 2 games have shown huge improvement so I hope the trend is UP.
anyone who saw that game last night knows who won the game. UT lost but its hard to win playing 5 on 8. The officials gave the game to SC
Originally posted by TNVOLS1@Jan 16, 2005 3:22 PM
anyone who saw that game last night knows who won the game. UT lost but its hard to win playing 5 on 8. The officials gave the game to SC

I completely agree. I have been pretty down on our BB team but we deserved to win that game last night. The officiating was HORRENDOUS. I think Buzz should file a compaint with the SEC. It's also irritating that we don't get those calls at home.
Originally posted by dalelindsay81@Jan 15, 2005 9:50 PM
our b-ball team sucks and always will. we are a football school. if we pumped money into b-ball like we did football then maybe it would be different. dont blame the coach. its our lousy players.

It's not necessarily that we don't put any money in our program because if that was the case, how did we get Jerry Greene a while back before we got Buzz? Buzz is a good X's and O's guy but I think that its the players...It seems like they don't want to go out and play hard every night and it seems like they're used to losing....I think a BIG reason that we lose so much is our mentality...we don't play like we want to win, we play like we just don't want to lose

And you think our players are lousy? Chris Lofton, CJ Watson, Brandon Crump, and Scooter are lousy? They're decent players man
Wait til next year when Tyler Smith from Giles County gets to Knoxville, he will have an immediate impact!!! :good:
We need Omar Gaither to play 10 seconds each game.......he could take out their best player and get thrown out then we might have a chance :beer: :dlol: .....anyways time for UT to actually go out and do something for their team......I mean if Pat Summit can get 2 or more HS All Americans why can't the Buzz.......someone help me out here......
Pat has some National Championships under her belt amongst other things. That is a huge difference when it comes to recruiting. As for you Gaither idea, I like it!
the officals were horrible..especially late in the game..
touch fouls, bad offensvie charge calls..
But amazing no calls against SC..
Buzz was hot! :banghead:
Yeah, must be the talk on the VolNation that's convinced him to actually show some emotion this year!
I was rummaging through some old threads from last season, looking at recruiting and such. There was also some basketball stuff around that time of year...

You guys really had a deathwish for Buzz. It was on the verge of scary.
One of the definitions of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Getting worked up about Tennessee Men's basketball falls into that category.
Yep. If a certain sport just doesn't bode well at your school, just gotta roll with it. Tennessee's time comes in fall, Kentucky's time comes in winter.
Originally posted by milohimself@Jan 17, 2005 10:55 AM
Tennessee's time comes in fall, Kentucky's time comes in winter.

As an alum of both UT and UK - that works out pretty good for me. :p

1998 was a particularly good year! :D :D
Well, I am going to watch/listen to ANY UT team I can find on TV or the Vol Network OR Yahoo broadcast and root for them no matter how bad they are. Maybe the guys will take being SHAFTED by the zebras and use it as motivation in the BRUTAL stretch of games they have coming up. And any UT sport beats no UT sport at all.
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Jan 17, 2005 12:10 PM
Well, I am going to watch/listen to ANY UT team I can find on TV or the Vol Network OR Yahoo broadcast and root for them no matter how bad they are. Maybe the guys will take being SHAFTED by the zebras and use it as motivation in the BRUTAL stretch of games they have coming up. And any UT sport beats no UT sport at all.

Preach it!
:lol: It might be empty after it goes by me, but I will pass it all the same.
Originally posted by Orangewhiteblood@Jan 17, 2005 11:21 AM
:lol: It might be empty after it goes by me, but I will pass it all the same.

You're s'posed to PUT something IN, not TAKE something OUT.

:eek:lol: Best way to look at the offering plate I've EVER seen.

Sometimes I just go to church for a little snack of crackers and wine.
Originally posted by milohimself@Jan 17, 2005 4:04 PM
Sometimes I just go to church for a little snack of crackers and wine.

:lol: Well, if that doesn't fill you up, take a couple of bucks out of the offering plate and buy yourself a snickers and a soda pop! I love saying soda pop for some strange reason.
...and Milo takes this thread straight into the Message Board dumpster.
it may be time to do some voodoo dances for Buzz and the Men's bb team, somebody pass the live chicken

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