Food for thought....

If the BCS still included the Strength-of-Schedule (SOS) component... the Tennessee Vols have the 6th toughest schedule to date (formula only uses opponents played to date). With upcoming games against Alabama (5-2), South Carolina (5-2), and Notre Dame (5-2)... the Vols SOS will only get better. But alas, the SOS is not used this season.
Heaven forbid they use something that is actually of importance. Who you play to get to 12-0 or even 11-1 is I think a big part of what kind of team you are. Or at least how good you are.

I guess they want to give the teams in the WAC and even the PAC-10 a chance.
:shakehead: Yeah it's pretty ironic that the one thing that made sense to me in the whole formula got dumped.

I almost wish we'd just go to a computerized ranking system and leave the polls out altogether.
Here's another interesting historical note. The Tennessee Vols have been ranked in the final BCS Top 10 in 4 of 6 years of the BCS ranking's existence.

1998 - No. 1
1999 - No. 5
2001 - No. 6
2003 - No. 8
When you add the element of Humans in voting for the best football team or the polls you get the vote of a person on the wwest coast that only watched west cosat football and the same for the east coast. They say they are objective when they vote but are they really. Look at the heisman voting. Usually a player from the west coast wins the west coast and east coast player wins the east coast the middle is where the winner is decided.
The big news this week, the 1st week of the BCS's release, is that after several months of stating that the "new" BCS formula pretty much insured that the Nos. 1 and 2 teams in the 'human' polls, ie. AP and UE, would be 1 and 2 in the BCS.... the initial release shows that no. 2 Oklahoma in both the AP and UE polls is a surprising 3rd in the BCS. Miami is the no. 2 team in the recently release BCS ranking. And this also after Miami dropped from 3rd to 4th in the AP poll.

The BCS gets at least one thing right. The Vols are ranked ahead of Georgia.
Having seen the actual rankings, I don't see how we can complain. I don't think you can argue that we've proven ourselves to be any better than any of the teams in front of us.

If someone had told me at the beginning of the season that after running the gauntlet of Florida, Auburn and Georgia we'd be a top 10 BCS team, I'd have told them they were crazy. :clap:
The BCS gets at least one thing right. The Vols are ranked ahead of Georgia
Yeah it's pretty ironic that the one thing that made sense to me in the whole formula got dumped.

AMEN but you're preaching to the choir, the Vols got no respect in the "human" polls as usual....I say forget ranking anybody until after everybody has played at least 2 conference games....oops that would leave ND out and we can't have that(sarcasm)!
Originally posted by volmanjr@Oct 18, 2004 1:50 PM
I say forget ranking anybody until after everybody has played at least 2 conference games

What a lame suggestion Volmanjr! You know we could never do that!?!?

That would mean that rankings would come from performance on the field instead of fulfilling the prophecy of some sportswriter geek who probably doesn't know anything about football that he didn't learn from Sports Center.

Even worse, that would mean breaking college football's caste system and actually rewarding good play instead of making teams climb some ill-conceived ladder that we put together in the preseason.

What are you thinking Volmanjr? :lol:

I apologize ....lost my head for a minute....Otis left some liquor laying around :blink:

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