Belarus Accused of Plane Hijack to Grab Dissident



This is the Way.
Oct 26, 2014
This is like something out of a spy novel:

"This was a case of state-sponsored hijacking... state-sponsored piracy," Ryanair chief executive Michael O'Leary told Irish Newstalk radio on Monday.

"It appears the intent of the authorities was to remove a journalist and his travelling companion... we believe there were some KGB agents offloaded at the airport as well," Mr O'Leary said.

Later on Monday, Lithuanian officials said five passengers who boarded the flight in Athens did not reach Vilnius. "The latest... is that 126 passengers left Athens and 121 landed in Vilnius. This does not include the crew of six," a spokeswoman for the Lithuanian prime minister told Reuters.

Western powers voice outrage as Belarus accused of hijacking plane
This is like something out of a spy novel:

"This was a case of state-sponsored hijacking... state-sponsored piracy," Ryanair chief executive Michael O'Leary told Irish Newstalk radio on Monday.

"It appears the intent of the authorities was to remove a journalist and his travelling companion... we believe there were some KGB agents offloaded at the airport as well," Mr O'Leary said.

Later on Monday, Lithuanian officials said five passengers who boarded the flight in Athens did not reach Vilnius. "The latest... is that 126 passengers left Athens and 121 landed in Vilnius. This does not include the crew of six," a spokeswoman for the Lithuanian prime minister told Reuters.

Western powers voice outrage as Belarus accused of hijacking plane

Hey hey…

That is just another reason to never go near Belarus.
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This is like something out of a spy novel:

"This was a case of state-sponsored hijacking... state-sponsored piracy," Ryanair chief executive Michael O'Leary told Irish Newstalk radio on Monday.

"It appears the intent of the authorities was to remove a journalist and his travelling companion... we believe there were some KGB agents offloaded at the airport as well," Mr O'Leary said.

Later on Monday, Lithuanian officials said five passengers who boarded the flight in Athens did not reach Vilnius. "The latest... is that 126 passengers left Athens and 121 landed in Vilnius. This does not include the crew of six," a spokeswoman for the Lithuanian prime minister told Reuters.

Western powers voice outrage as Belarus accused of hijacking plane
We scrambled fighter jets to make a commercial air craft land and we made up a terroristic threat ? I am no fan of how we handled the Snowden stuff but these are not nearly the same thing.
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We scrambled fighter jets to make a commercial air craft land and we made up a terroristic threat ? I am no fan of how we handled the Snowden stuff but these are not nearly the same thing.
It isn't the exact same thing (i.e., we didn't do a phony bomb threat and scramble a fighter jet, and it wasn't a commercial aircraft), but when Morales was flying over Austria they were simultaneously told by France, Spain, and Italy that they were forbidden to enter their airspace, and they didn't have enough fuel for an alternate route. They were essentially blocked off and had to land back in Vienna, where they then searched the plane for Snowden. It was pretty damn similar tactic, and Morales was a Head of State at the time.
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I'm sure @SpaceCoastVol can confirm, but if a passenger airliner is informed of a security threat on board, they probably won't question it and put the plane down where instructed.
This reminds me of that forced confession from the kid in NK that stole a poster or something a few years ago.
I need to learn Morse code so I can get the truth out when i get kidnapped.
Oddly enough someone in the replies to the tweet I posted asked if he was blinking in Morse code. I imagine that would be quite difficult to do while reciting memorized lines with a dude pointing an AK-47 at you off camera.
Oddly enough someone in the replies to the tweet I posted asked if he was blinking in Morse code. I imagine that would be quite difficult to do while reciting memorized lines with a dude pointing an AK-47 at you off camera.
A US serviceman held by the Vietnamese, I think, did the morse code thing. That's what I was referring to and likely the comment as well.
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A US serviceman held by the Vietnamese, I think, did the morse code thing. That's what I was referring to and likely the comment as well.
I have never heard of this before; that is pretty wild he was able to do that while being questioned during a press conference.

"Virginia Beach, Virginia, U.S. Jeremiah Andrew Denton Jr. ... While answering questions and feigning trouble with the blinding television lights, Denton blinked his eyes in Morse code, spelling the word "T-O-R-T-U-R-E"—and confirming for the first time to U.S. Naval Intelligence that American POWs were being tortured."
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I have never heard of this before; that is pretty wild he was able to do that while being questioned during a press conference.

"Virginia Beach, Virginia, U.S. Jeremiah Andrew Denton Jr. ... While answering questions and feigning trouble with the blinding television lights, Denton blinked his eyes in Morse code, spelling the word "T-O-R-T-U-R-E"—and confirming for the first time to U.S. Naval Intelligence that American POWs were being tortured."

Lieutenant Colonel Hambleton concurs..know your golf course,

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