Best Movie of the Decade?



Oh Snap Guess What I Saw
Jul 6, 2008
i have to go with Old School. epic movie that alot of people forget about.

Other candidates: Anchorman and the Departed
There Will Be Blood
The Dark Night
No Country For Old Men
City of God
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotlessmind
V for Vendetta
Training Day
The Royal Tenebaums
...Those are some of my favorites, out of that I'd say City of God is my personal favorite.
someone mentioned there will be blood the other day.

immediate response: it's as slow moving as Tyler Bray
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
O Brother Where Art Thou
Donnie Darko
Kill Bill 1
There Will Be Blood
No Country For Old Men
Royal Tenenbaums
Super Troopers
The Wrestler
Some of my favorites, in no particular order:

Sin City
The Departed
The Wrestler
No Country for Old Men
Million Dollar Baby
Gran Torino
V for Vendetta
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
The Bourne Trilogy
No Country for Old Men
Million Dollar Baby
Black Hawk Down
V for Vendetta
Kill Bill
The Hangover
Mr. and Mrs. Smith (maybe not the greatest movie, but a lot of fun to watch...)

A couple of epic series: the Lord of the Rings and Star Wars
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Kill Bill: Vol 1
Donnie Darko
No Country For Old Men
The Bourne Series
Hard Candy
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
The Dark Knight
Pan's Labyrinth
Almost Famous
The Grudge
The Ring

If we count 1999
Fight Club
The Boondock Saints
Office Space
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My top ten...changes depending on the day:
1. In Bruges
2. O Brother Where Art Thou
3. Sideways
4. Kill Bill 1&2
5. Borat (still cannot remember laughing so hard in the theater..ever)
6. The Wrestler
7. Superbad
8. Children of Men
9. Junebug
10. Eternal Sunshine on a Spotless Mind
I agree with Lord Vader. As soon as I read this thread title, Gangs of New York came to mind.
Gangs of New York is one of my favorite movies too but I know a lot of people who don't think much of it or just think it's average.
I started to write a long rant about the ascent of pop-culture over film as art, but I won't. Let me just say that I'm not, in general, a big fan of the work of this decade.

Slumdog Millionaire
LotR trilogy
A Beautiful Mind
O Brother Where Art Thou?
Gangs of New York
Seabiscuit? Master and Commander? In Bruges? The Aviator?

I had a hard time finding a 10th, but given that, my top 10 would look something like that, in whatever order you choose to put them.
I enjoyed Slumdog, too. I had forgotten about Munich...another good flick.
I forgot a movie on my list that's kind of silly that i actually forgot. in my defense i thought it came out in 1999.

American Psycho
I think most people are going to look back and generally view Return of the King as the best movie of the decade.

How many movie series (trilogies especially) end with the last movie being not only the best, but one of the best of all time?

Also, consider how that turned out compared to most epics that have come out this decade.

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