Best Opening Game Experience



Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2012
One year ago today was the best opening game experience I've ever had. Not because of who our coach was or how well we played. Not because CP had a break out game, or because of how we demolished their star defender. It wasn't even because we won the ball game. I didn't even get to attend the game!

One year ago today, while I was screaming for CP as he scored a td my wife screamed and said it's time. My little man was born the very next morning and that's a memory I will never forget.

I will always be able to tell him he wanted to help cheer on the Vols with his dad so bad he didn't want to miss another game!!!

Hope we have a great year and win or lose me and my little VFL will be cheering as loud as we can!!!!
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Just thought I'd share he loves orange!!!

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Congrads fine looking young man. Was not opening game but we made our 18 year old night before UT vs al 19 years ago in Knoxville & our 14 year old came day before ark. game in 98. Watched that one in hospital thought they were going to throw me outta the baby wing when Stoener fumbled & then when Henry scored.

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