Best recap of 1998 season

Motorola Flip Phones, The Backstreet Boys, Monica Lewinsky's Blue Dress, The Spice Girls, The X-Files, and The Waterboy ALL think 1998 ruled!
Motorola Flip Phones, The Backstreet Boys, Monica Lewinsky's Blue Dress, The Spice Girls, The X-Files, and The Waterboy ALL think 1998 ruled!

Also Michael Jordan, AOL, Beanie Babies, Sega Dreamcasts, Tamagotchis, Mark McGwire, the Y2K bug, Furby, and Seinfeld.

You know what? 1998 did rule!
Motorola Flip Phones, The Backstreet Boys, Monica Lewinsky's Blue Dress, The Spice Girls, The X-Files, and The Waterboy ALL think 1998 ruled!

The only people that didn't think 98 ruled were probably President Clinton and Flordia State

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