Best Team In The East Besides Tennessee

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where's KY by the cant discriminate!!!! hahaha
I have to go with UF too. However, UGA could make it interesting if Shock plays well. They have some good RB's....
I'd say it's UGA, but between the arrests and all they are having to replace that they lost to graduation, Richt will have to do a heck of a coaching job.
I'll vote Florida as well. I think Richt has lost too much firepower over the last season on defense, and his d will not be much better than Florida's. But I think Urban's offense will take out most teams he plays.
Georgia's Defense will sac the gators. The Urban Fantasy Offense will find out what real defenses will do to it
For some nasty spooky reason think that richard with ear's will steal a game or 2? GRRRRR! Just cant look past him/them! I done found my east underdog to pull for til late season go tucky lol' ...let us dance and praise thy Vols and the crowd that shows Oct29th...sorry ball coach your slick but so is a minner's wing'r...welcome back our friend of the citrus bowl era'' welcome :freak: back! hope you git out of here ok? if no ooop's should'a watched ya mouth! these friends of mine are kinda funny bout you! :shakeit:
I voted UGA only 'cause "don't care" wasn't an option. As the old saying goes "2nd place is the first loser." ;)
I went with USC because their defense is what is going to carry them. Urban will find out this is not the mountain west! UGA just lost to much.
I voted UGA and I don't think its close between UF and UGA.

UGA still has a very, very good defense coming back. Their offensive line returns and the RB's return.

UF has no defense, a new offensive system, replacing their starting RB, and a new coach.

absolutely between us (UGA)and UF. If Shockley plays up to his ability then we should easily take UF but if he doest play well and Leak adjust well to Meyer's system quickly it definately could go to UF. The think is you never know who is going to sneak up and win the East. Just think how many people picked us to win it last year and you guys stroll into Athens and take away our candy. Any given Saturday.
I never get tired of watching your pup try to eat an Aubie..... :lol: :good: Good dog!
whats up fade! we were just talking about rival fans with class that were members here the other day. Whats your honest opinion of Shockley?
whats up fade! we were just talking about rival fans with class that were members here the other day. Whats your honest opinion of Shockley?

Well I hope my name was mentioned.

Hones opinion of Shockley. Here goes. The kid has all the talent in the world and from what I saw at the spring game I think he has a chance to be a solid QB. But, his iffy past makes me wonder if he was making poor decisions because he thoughT he needed to impress people with the few plays that he had or was he really just that bad. So my honest unbiased opion is:

I JUST DONT KNOW But with all of our RB's I honestly think all he will have to do is dump off the ball to Pope, AJ Bryant and maybe a RB every now and then to open up the running game.
yeah I kinda got the feeling he was pushing to hard at times trying to impress.... you were'nt metioned by name but I'm sure that everyone here that knows you thought about ya.... next question what are your thoughts on UT for next season? especially on the D side?
Shockley will not a QB that wins a National Title or SEC Title for UGA.

He looks at one WR and forces it 90% of the time.
Gators ofcourse! ;) UGA lost alot of Sr leadership..not to mention their Defensive co-ordinator that I dont think got as much credit as he should have.
They return a DC who runs basically the exact same schemes.

I doubt they lose much if anything with VG gone.

Senior leadership is over-rated in many instances as well.

UGA won in 2002 with very little senior leadership.
Originally posted by JSB2277@May 4, 2005 2:34 PM
jawja.....most talent of the 3

Of course it may be possible that Tennessee has the most talent of any team in the country with the obviois exception of USC... But can we utilize it? Same situation applies to the question.
yeah I kinda got the feeling he was pushing to hard at times trying to impress.... you were'nt metioned by name but I'm sure that everyone here that knows you thought about ya.... next question what are your thoughts on UT for next season? especially on the D side?

Great question. Have you ever heard the joke about potentially and realistically. Potentially UT could be the best team in the nation next year if they put every thing together. The D has got to improve next year or it all could come crashing down. I think at times last year they just looked out of position and just un-motivated. I think by switching Allen back to CB and from what I hear from you guys they are headed in the right direction. Now Realistically we wont know until the season starts.

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