Best Vol comment on Finebaum show:

In the past we’ve been responsible for a lot of rule changes due to us being on the short end of the stick, so it’s only fitting that we are responsible for the adaptation of the 3 digit scoreboard.
OK, Vols folks, confession time. I'm Vols football starved. To sat that hunger, I've been watching old 1970s - 2004 games, some late into the night. I fool around with some of the software on my computer. Pretending to be an artist (as if). I will admit, I don't really know what I'm doing, so I'm not good at this stuff. But it is fun to play with. In this case, I made a DIY frontier man Vols logo. My sincere apologizes for the copyright plug on the image. But I was advised to do that by someone who yelled at me about folks taking even trivial stuff off the WWW and claiming it as their own. That even vendors such a Getty, Shuttlecock and others are doing it, then selling it online. So, my apologies. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy the below as much as I did making it.
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Defeating a Tennessee -Chattanooga 57-10 isn't style points. Just shows the talent disparity.
In viewing the old Vols games, I noticed something I hope we see with our Josh era Vols. The RB rarely if ever dance behind the LOS. If they are going up the gut, they hit it leg pumping hard. You even see them dragging defenders, and going down after being gang tackled by two or more guys. When they run around the ends, but can't get headway, they hit defenders head on with a viciousness and violence I don't see a lot today. Last night, I took in a gator Bowl game we had with VT. Seems we alternated for a bit with Stewart and Manning. VT was shredding our defense for big chunks of yardage, but we still won by double digits. As before, my attention was mainly on the RBs. I hope we see that kind of running again.

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