Best World Series in the last 20 years



Somewhat sober
Aug 27, 2007
What was your favorite World Series in the past 20 years.

I loved baseball as a kid, and I played all the way through high school, but I am beginning to lose interest. So I figured I would start this thread and maybe rekindle the flame so to speak.

1988: Dodgers/ Athletic: I dont remember this one so I cant rate it
1989: Oak/ SF Giants: I dont rember this one either I was only 6
1990: Reds/ Oakland: This is where I got hooked and became a Reds fan 4-life
1991: Twins/ Braves: I remember the NLCS & Sid Bream better than the world series
1992: Toronto/Braves: this was a pretty good series and I was happy that the Blue Jays won....because the Braves where always beating the Reds
1993: Toronto/Philly: This sticks it out in my mind as one of the more dramatic world series I ever watched.
1994: nada
1995: Tribe/Braves : The Braves finally get one. I was for the Indians, but the sun shines on a dogs arse every once in a while what can you do
1996: Yanks/Braves: I dont think I watched one game of this because I didnt give three drops of monkey urine who won
1997: Marlins/Indians: This might be favorite WS ever
1998: Yanks/Padres: I watched game 1 and I knew it was gonna be a sweep so I didnt watch anymore.
1999: Yanks/Braves: See 1996
2000: Yanks/Mets: see 1996
2001: D-Backs/Yanks: My favorite ever, it was great
2002: SF/ Anahiem: I didnt get a chance to watch any of this series, so I cant rate it properly
2003: Marlins/Yanks: Didnt get to watch any of this either but I was happy with the outcome
2004: RedSox/STL: :snoring:
2005: Whitesox/Astros: I enjoyed this even though it was over in 5. Great pitching by the Whitesox I dont know how they fell off so quick
2006: Cards/ Tigers: I didnt watch sounded like snoozfest
2007: Redsox/Rocks: Horrible

Feel free to name your favorite world series from the past 20 or 50 years it dont matter. I gotta be up at 1:30 p.m. for work so I am done for now. Good day nation.
My vote would be for 1991. All those 1 run games were incredible and it doesn't get much better than extra innings in Game 7.

. . . still would have been a lot cooler if Lonnie Smith hadn't gotten completely decoyed or if Cox hadn't stuck Charlie Leibrandt out there in relief.
Astros v white sux. By the way, my Astros were swept but they made it in the series before my dad died one year later. He was very happy to see them get in after a lifetime of pulling for Houston baseball dating back to the Houston Buffs. It is and will be a speacial memory for me and frankly, I could care less that they lost. Baseball is not all about the score.
If you went "in the past 21 years" I'd say 1987, without a doubt...For me, 2004 was king, but as far as being great to watch, i'd go with 2001
Astros v white sux. By the way, my Astros were swept but they made it in the series before my dad died one year later. He was very happy to see them get in after a lifetime of pulling for Houston baseball dating back to the Houston Buffs. It is and will be a speacial memory for me and frankly, I could care less that they lost. Baseball is not all about the score.

Cue Terrance Mann telling Ray Kinsella...."There Was Baseball".....

I absolutely agree with you. My dad was the lone Red Sox fan from a family of 9 kids, and he turned 60 last year. He was on a cruise through the panama canal region, and he told me about the stress that came about when the ship was within so many minutes of the equator, the satellite feeds couldn't be picked up. It was a shame that he wasn't home to celebrate with me and the boys.

However, that short period, from game 4 of the LCS through game 4 of the WS, was the greatest run of baseball of my life, though i am still suffering from the liver damage inflicted then. I never really thought about tears of joy, until that time
88 has the "feel good story" that makes my stomach turn. I hate the Braves, but '91 was a GREAT series. i haven't seen much beat that.

1990 was the worst World Series ever. Of course, i'm a fan of the green and gold.
putting serious thought into it, I really don't think it's close. '88 might be second, but due to my obvious Oakland bias, I hated it. 2001 was also good, but '91 was riveting in just about every inning.
1990, mainly because it made me a Reds fan and we have pretty much sucked since then. Honorable mention for 1993, my mother let me stay up late to watch the game, and I got to see Joe Carter's home run, one of my most vivid sports memories.
1990, mainly because we have sucked since then. Honorable mention for 1993, my mother let me stay up late to watch the game, and I got to see Joe Carter's home run, one of my most vivid sports memories.

ya know, i used to respect you.
I would have to say the Twins/Braves series ranks right up there, but for me personally it was the Yanks/D-backs series. I dont care for either team but stayed up and watched every pitch because you never had a feeling of what was about to happen.
1991, No doubt. Those games, even though my Braves lost, got me hooked on baseball for life.
LA in 88 - Kirk Gibson's injured...limping to the plate...walk off HR off of Eck...great WS upset over A's
Toronto in 92 - Carter's 9th inning HR...classic
Best is DBacks in 2001 beating the Yanks with Luis Gonzalez blooper...not a Yankees fan

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