Beto O'Rourke running for Texas governor against GOP incumbent Abbott

I wonder if this idiot still eats grass & bugs for his Saturday night supper .....
Didn't he once say that he likes taking "dirt baths" & thinks it's really cool?
"Of course, I'm coming for your guns". I wonder how long that will play out in Texas?
This dumb sh!t should move to California where he actually has a chance to win an election.
This is good timing for him when Biden/Harris polls are scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Yeah I'm not understanding why he is running. I guess it points to his ridiculous ego, because he doesn't stand a snow balls chance in hell unless something extremely drastic were to happen.
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"Of course, I'm coming for your guns". I wonder how long that will play out in Texas?
This dumb sh!t should move to California where he actually has a chance to win an election.
This is good timing for him when Biden/Harris polls are scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Yep. And even Texan Democrats own guns. Remember in the 60’s Texas was blue.
Yep. And even Texan Democrats own guns. Remember in the 60’s Texas was blue.

The idiot can't find & hold a real job so he's looking to strike gold in politics. Lies are easy.
I don't think Texas wants any more dumb liberal domestic policies that never work as planned
After seeing Biden/Harris policies that put handcuffs on the public nobody wants another liberal idiot to run government.
I wonder if this idiot still eats grass & bugs for his Saturday night supper .....
Didn't he once say that he likes taking "dirt baths" & thinks it's really cool?

Being a multi-time loser worked for Biden when you're a democrat. I have a feeling Beto is done but will make good comedy. I agree if he moved to California he would win something. Otherwise he needs to run against Al Green or someone like that for their district.
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