Bible translator criticized over word substitution

Any of this really matter? People are going to interpret according to their own beliefs anyway.
But some words do matter. Wycliffe's entire mission is to translate the Bible into every language so it is important they use the best translation possible. The criticism is that they changed the word Son for Messiah, which would potentially do a way with the theology of the Trinity. That is pretty important, especially when trying to explain the concepts to new believers.
But some words do matter. Wycliffe's entire mission is to translate the Bible into every language so it is important they use the best translation possible. The criticism is that they changed the word Son for Messiah, which would potentially do a way with the theology of the Trinity. That is pretty important, especially when trying to explain the concepts to new believers.

Who determines what the best translation is?
Who determines what the best translation is?

I don't know, but I do like the lolcat version:

Revelation 1
New Testament

John iz told teh apocalypse is comming.
Iz comin. Srsly.

1 John haz sum revelashunz. Tehy frum teh Happycat, but wuz furst frum Ceiling Cat, an tehy to show what iz comin. Teh Ceiling Cat sended hiz angel to John to give revelashunz.2 John sez iz all totally troof, zactly what teh Ceiling Cat and Happycat sayed. He no lie. Srsly.3 Everwun what reedz these wurdz will has cheezburgrz and everwun what heerz theez wurdz will has cheezburgrz. Also, pay attenshuns, cuz iz comin. Habeeb it.

4 John seyz, hay teh sehvuhn churchez over therr in Asia: Oh hai, from teh Ceiling Cat whoz alwayz around, an alwayz haz beens around, an alwayz will bes around, and hai from the sehvuhn kittehs sittin next to his mighteh sofuh.5 Oh, also, hai frum Happycat, who iz liek totally l33t. Srsly. To Happycat who totally luvz us an died for us an stuff,6 Ur awsum, kthx.

7 Invisibuhl airplane for Happycat! Everwun will see him in teh airplane, even tho iz invisibuhls. Even thoze bad doodz who wuz so mean will seez him, and everwun will be totally bummed. Srsly.8 Teh Ceiling Cat sez "iz teh lolfa n iz lolmega n i allwayz haz been n allwayz will be also i haz strongness! rawr"
Vizjuns 'o Happycat

9 Anywayz, I be John, ur bruder an ur friend in Happycat. So dis wun tiem, I wuz on Patmos talkin to sum doodz about Happycat an teh Ceiling Cat.10 Wun Caturday, I wuz chillin an I heerz dis hugenormous voice behaind meh, an it wuz rly lowd lyke a trumpet insturmentz.11 An teh voice sez, "Oh, hai. I be Lolpha, an also, I be Lolmega, an rite whut you seez, an send it to those sehvuhn churchez over therr in Asia. In case u forgotz, tehy be Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia (wich not be teh wun in Pehnsluvainya) and also Laodicea, wich iz all funneh namez, but I not made dem up."12 I lookz for teh voice an, it wuz invisabuhls! Insted, I seez sehvuhn golduhn bukkits!13 Also, therr wuz a dood dressed real nice, even tho he wuz in a dress.14 Teh dood had a hed taht wuz wite, an also hairz taht wuz wite. Also, his eyez wuz chargin his lazors.15 An his feets wuz lyke a heeter, an his voice wuz liek a mighteh toilet flushinz.16 He made sehvuhn cookies in hiz rite hand, an a sword in hiz mouf. Also, hiz face wuz all glowinz, like teh sun. Srsly.

17 When I seez him, I fallz over liek ded. Teh dood touched me an sez, "Dont be all skeerd."18 Also, he sez, "Im Happycat 2.0 and Im totally alive and moar l33t 4evr! Also, I am teh keymaster." (not like Ghostbustrz lol)19 Then he sez: "Taek notez. Lotsa notez."20 "OBTW, theez sehvuhn cookies are teh angelz of teh sehvuhn churchez I sed before. Oh, also, theez bukkits are teh churches too. Kthxbai."

Revelation 1 - LOLCat Bible Translation Project
I bet these folks would have a good defense, though, if you pointed out the changes in the bible that were made for the Protestant version.
I'm not sure why the Bible wasn't in English in the first place. I don't like any of that foreigner funny talk.
I bet these folks would have a good defense, though, if you pointed out the changes in the bible that were made for the Protestant version.

Like the part where Christ said to call no one Father, yet Catholics do?

Or when Christ talked about avoiding idols but Catholic churches are saturated with them?

Or when Christ demonstrated how to pray but Catholics pray to dead people?

Or where Jesus demonstrated proper baptism but Catholics still sprinkle?

Trying to rip protestants is a bad idea for a Catholic. But, you fail to realize that the adopted teaching of the Trinity was kept by Protestants even though history proves its not Christian.
I have numerous translations. Anyone who gives exclusive devotion to one does themselves a disservice imo.
I have this aurgument with my MIL, who believes the bible verbatim, dosn't even believe in dinosaurs because they are not in the book.

The bible was written by man and translated/re-written by the victor, it's not the word of god.
Like the part where Christ said to call no one Father, yet Catholics do?

Or when Christ talked about avoiding idols but Catholic churches are saturated with them?

Or when Christ demonstrated how to pray but Catholics pray to dead people?

Or where Jesus demonstrated proper baptism but Catholics still sprinkle?

Trying to rip protestants is a bad idea for a Catholic. But, you fail to realize that the adopted teaching of the Trinity was kept by Protestants even though history proves its not Christian.

You've made my point for me. I wasn't ripping protestants. I was simply pointing out that changes have been made in the Bible plenty of times, including drastic ones during the protestant reformation. When that's pointed out, protestants just get you've demonstrated.

Just want to clear up a common misconception that you've fallen victim of, here. Catholics to not pray to dead people. If you're referring to the Saints, we simply ask them to "pray for us." Do you ask a friend to pray for you? Is that praying to an alive person?
The line we say is, "I ask the blessed Mary the ever virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you my brothers and sisters to pray for me to the Lord our God."
Those that don't understand Catholicism like to take shots at it all the time. You'll never find a Catholic Priest that will tell you that we worship a statue of Mary or Joseph. They are simply present so we remember to show respect for the two mortals chosen to raise the son of God.
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You've made my point for me. I wasn't ripping protestants. I was simply pointing out that changes have been made in the Bible plenty of times, including drastic ones during the protestant reformation. When that's pointed out, protestants just get you've demonstrated.

I'm not protestant. I don't belong to any church. Scripture was not written in Latin. Catholic Church tried to keep it that way to control the population even murdering people for trying to translate it.

The most common form of the Bible with 66 is regarded by the vast majority of scholars as canon. The apocraphyl books, while beneficial, are not canonical. That's before the Catholic church, not since.

Just want to clear up a common misconception that you've fallen victim of, here. Catholics to not pray to dead people. If you're referring to the Saints, we simply ask them to "pray for us." Do you ask a friend to pray for you? Is that praying to an alive person?
The line we say is, "I ask the blessed Mary the ever virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you my brothers and sisters to pray for me to the Lord our God."
Those that don't understand Catholicism like to take shots at it all the time. You'll never find a Catholic Priest that will tell you that we worship a statue of Mary or Joseph. They are simply present so we remember to show respect for the two mortals chosen to raise the son of God.

Christ is the mediator to God in prayer. No scriptural evidence to point to "saints". Trace the practice and you'll find it started around 500 years after the church was founded to appease pagans who "converted" who were used to praying to dead relatives.
I just can't imagine how Jesus, a white guy, fit in with all those arabs...the language barrier must have been tough. Plus the raging sun burn he must have fought, with that fair skin.
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This is why the books of the Bible should be published in the languages in which they were originally written: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.

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