
Biddle is unbiased? He should also stick to writing because that was terrible.
Hey hillbilly how come your so negative. I read several of your post and never anything positive..We werent supposed to have a big class this year. Next year is when you can be negative if we dont have a good class. Come show a little pride and support our team we have and the recruits we are getting.
Hillbilly, for somebody that publicly renounced being a Tennessee fan, you sure do spend a lot of time lamenting Vol recruiting.
Interesting that the standard for being an "unbiased" member of media is the degree of agreement with VH's perception of gloom and doom. Anyone who is more positive must obviously be a bought homer.
Hillbilly, for somebody that publicly renounced being a Tennessee fan, you sure do spend a lot of time lamenting Vol recruiting.
What I posted is that my interest is limited so long as Phil is the head coach. I think you understand that I'm a fan of the program who is extremely disappointed by what I perceive as incompetence at the top. I also think there is a difference between that and what you posted.

I know several folks, me included, who have pledged not to spend another dime going to Knoxville until Phil is gone. Getting to see four quality SEC teams (and 3 quality SEC coaches, if Tubbs stays at Aubie) play in person without having to leave town is pretty sweet.

For me it's not. I've returned tickets for three games this year already and I will not attend anymore. I am washing my hands of anything more than a pedestrian SEC fan's interest in the Vols as long as Phil is hfc.

As far as recruiting goes, I am very worried. This is going to be his second class in three years that is significanlty below average ratings-wise. Phil has not been able to win the SEC in nearly a deceade with top tier talent. I'd have to be a fool to think his chances will improve if the talent dips. Moreover, he is making it more difficult for someone else to come in and compete for championships in the event that a replacement does arrive.
You know as well as I do that Biddle is far from unbiased. The man enjoys nothing more than taking cheap shots at Fulmer and UT.
His recent radio co-host may fall into that category, but Biddle is fairly even handed IMO. He's neither a basher nor a water carrier, and he tends to be much tougher on Vandy (deservedly so) than on the Vols.
What I posted is that my interest is limited so long as Phil is the head coach. I think you understand that I'm a fan of the program who is extremely disappointed by what I perceive as incompetence at the top. I also think there is a difference between that and what you posted.

As far as recruiting goes, I am very worried. This is going to be his second class in three years that is significanlty below average ratings-wise. Phil has not been able to win the SEC in nearly a deceade with top tier talent. I'd have to be a fool to think his chances will improve if the talent dips. Moreover, he is making it more difficult for someone else to come in and compete for championships in the event that a replacement does arrive.
Thats a good point there hillbilly. I'am sure its being used against us as we speak. Everyone knows who the best coaches in the sec are. Phil falls somewhere in the middle of the pack. He might be digging his own grave this time. If we have a subpar year next year then i'd like to see him retire or step aside. I'am growing old waiting and and so are the rest of us. The recruiting thing is a big deal whether some would like to admit it or not.

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