Actually not so many muslims wear turbans.
Right after 9/11 someone in Arizona shot and killed a Sikh who was wearing a turban, one of the things that makes that event even more tragic is the fact that the Sikhs have battled the muslims for 1400 years and have perhaps done the best job of any group of repelling the muslim jihad and averting dhimitude to islam.
Now our obamatude-in-chief did recently host a lavish vegetarian dinner for the PM of India (who is a Sikh and wears a turban) but told the PM of Israel to take a hike to the nearest KFC and get himself a big daddy.
Go figure.
I guess turbans are cool but yamulkas (addopted from the Zoroastrians during the Babylonian captivity) aren't so cool.
well of course, I mean would you serve this guy if he walked into your restaurant?
Can you translate your post into anything intelligible??
I don't know what is worse... this action by KFC or the comments made afterwards in that article. :banghead2:
One cannot these days read most anything reported in the media without a healthy seasoning of and lecturing on the joys of liberal tolerance.
Orwell called that 'double-plusgood-duckspeak.'
Then there is the memory hole where so much disappears.
For instance I searched in vain this afternoon for a picture of a peta chicken suit protester in India but to no avail and that used to be the first thing up when entering a couple of key words.
The reason I was looking for that was to try to interject a little humor.
When the first KFC franchise opened in India peta was right on it with their fanatical anti-meat agenda, protesting the 'inhumane' treatment of chickens.
That effort ended rather abruptly when one of their protestors, dressed up as a big chicken was shoved into passing traffic by some passerby and run over by a passing automobile.
Good news was that the fake chicken wasn't killed but the hospital reported that he had a broken hot wing.
I wonder what they do in India....
Depends on what part of India you are in.
I'm guessing those are mostly reincarnated democ-rats with a sampling of rino-rats.
I'll bet you get lonesome for bar-be-que pork where you are, want me to send you about five pounds the next time we bar-be-que a hog??
A weird thing to me that we continually in this country address with great tolerance the demands of islam, SA sends tens of millions of dollars or more each year into the USA to promote their religion (which is a legal/political system as well) but where you are it is strictly forbidden to have a Bible or a cross in your posession or to talk openly about Christianity.
One would think at sometime our government, in particularly the state department would address the issue of quid quo pro, wouldn't one??
Another current issue with India and confronting the islamic agenda.
Tensions have risen recently with the Obama administration, especially over concerns that Washington is favoring India's arch rival, Pakistan, in its war on terrorism. Among New Delhi's fears is that Washington is providing Pakistan with sophisticated weaponry that could one day be turned on India.
Indian newspapers this week are filled with breathless headlines and editorials emphasizing the perceived slight by the United States.
some public schools have also completely removed all peanut products to cater to the handful of students with allergies. Does that upset you too? Some also offer special lunches for vegetarians or serve fish on fridays.
No because those are two completely different issues.
I gave you credit for having much more intelligence than to draw such an idiotic parallel, guess I was wrong.
You seem much more upset than I am btw.
Most school cafeterias offer students a choice of what they want to eat, veganism is also a non-issue and it is rather disinguous of you to even bring up.
Also, any idea why I can't buy liquor on Sundays in TN?
Since I don't believe in drinking taxed whiskey (unless someone else is buying) I don't care.
Bear in mind under sharia you won't be able to buy liquor legally on
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday either.
More on that topic.
Chauncey Bailey, Rest in Peace.