Big Props for Azzani

According to how many he has seen. I know he gave praise because Azzanni is not only a great teacher, but also a great motivator. He also threw in him being recruiting coordinator. Ainge said you don't see many with all those skills. Most only excel at one aspect.

I know Azzanni really gets into it and is high energy in these videos. You can see him coaching and teaching too.
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"Probably one of the best I've ever seen" (as a position coach and Azzani's ability to teach and explain) - Erik Ainge on his show this morning

Context begins at the 4:40 mark. Quote at 5:50

The Erik Ainge Show Hour 3 8-7-13 - TN Sports Radio - Tennessee Sports Radio

What do you think? Exaggeration from a radio personality or accurate assessment?
From everything we're hearing it sounds accurate. He said he was the best teacher which doesn't mean he would necessarily be a head coach someday. Some people know how to take something complicated and break it down to its simplest explanation. I had two different trig teachers, one couldn't teach to save his life the other broke it down to where I got a B in the class. Azzanis that type of Guy and he's got the personality to where he can ridicule or get on you without degrading you. That's good coaching. The anti-Sal.
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From everything we're hearing it sounds accurate. He said he was the best teacher which doesn't mean he would necessarily be a head coach someday. Some people know how to take something complicated and break it down to its simplest explanation. I had two different trig teachers, one couldn't teach to save his life the other broke it down to where I got a B in the class. Azzanis that type of Guy and he's got the personality to where he can ridicule or get on you without degrading you. That's good coaching. The anti-Sal.

You're right on the money about teachers. I've had brilliant ones who couldn't teach me how to tie my own shoes without me ending up in knots and others who could make anything understandable. It's a gift and one, that ironically, I don't think can be taught.
I think the guy has a lot to prove. He has bounced around a good bit. Can'tsay that he is viewed as some great coach.
Few schools have recruited as well on paper than UT the last few years. Yes they lost much, but Croom, North, Harris, Pig, Bowlers are very highly rated talent. Who has done better collectively recruiting the WR position?So, if he is a great coach then it should be readily evident on Saturdays this Fall.
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I think the guy has a lot to prove. He has bounced around a good bit. Can'tsay that he is viewed as some great coach.
Few schools have recruited as well on paper than UT the last few years. Yes they lost much, but Croom, North, Harris, Pig, Bowlers are very highly rated talent. Who has done better collectively recruiting the WR position?So, if he is a great coach then it should be readily evident on Saturdays this Fall.

Butch hired him for a reason and so far he's batting a thousand. I don't think he has to be a great coach as much as a great teacher of fundamentals. I don't agree with Ainge that often but his statement on Azzani speaks volumes. Recruits and players seem to back the sentiment.
Hate to be "that guy", but ALOT of people, myself included were P.O. when he was hired. Glad us self described experts had nothing to do with the decisions of who would be on the "best staff in America". Rock on Butch!
From everything we're hearing it sounds accurate. He said he was the best teacher which doesn't mean he would necessarily be a head coach someday. Some people know how to take something complicated and break it down to its simplest explanation. I had two different trig teachers, one couldn't teach to save his life the other broke it down to where I got a B in the class. Azzanis that type of Guy and he's got the personality to where he can ridicule or get on you without degrading you. That's good coaching. The anti-Sal.

I'm a firm believer in the old saying (I believe it has been attributed to Albert Einstein) "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." If Coach Azzani has that ability, it tells me he knows his stuff!!
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I'm a firm believer in the old saying (I believe it has been attributed to Albert Einstein) "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." If Coach Azzani has that ability, it tells me he knows his stuff!!
If you can't relate to the "kids", you are dead in the water.
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I listen to Ainge's show most mornings. He does a good job at remaing impartial and unbiased.

I wasn't aware Ainge has traveled the CFB & NFL training camps extensively to make a qualified judgement. That said, I hope our staff turns out to be one of the best and cohesive staffs in the nation for years to come. GBO.
I wasn't aware Ainge has traveled the CFB & NFL training camps extensively to make a qualified judgement. That said, I hope our staff turns out to be one of the best and cohesive staffs in the nation for years to come. GBO.

The only qualifier he made was "that he'd ever seen".
What do you think? Exaggeration from a radio personality or accurate assessment?

AINGE exaggerate? You know, some of us are still waiting for him to go to Nashville and beat up Clay Travis, like he threatened to do.
coach Z wants it

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