Biggest Weakness Going into Spring



VolNation's Grand Poobah
Staff member
Oct 22, 2003
What do you think the biggest weakness on this team going into Spring besides QB? I think it would have to be the secondary (Safety).

Jason Allen is a for sure starter with probably Antwan Stewart?. Then I think maybe Brandon Johnson. I like Corey Campbell at Safety but he is not very experienced.

Somebody is gonna have to step up.
I am going to say our WR's because though Brown and Swain have potential to be quite good, I think we are a little thinner then most want to think there. Hanson will have to keep his big-play potential. Experience is lacking a bit and we may have to overcome that, which I think we can. Our OL needs to continue getting better as they may be the key for the QB.
My weakness is something that is supposed our strength...the running game.

None of the guys in the backfield have lived up to their hype/potential. I'm tired of eharing about how great they are when all they do is run up the center or tackle's @ss every other play.
Originally posted by orangetd88@Mar 21, 2004 3:17 PM
My weakness is something that is supposed our strength...the running game.

None of the guys in the backfield have lived up to their hype/potential.  I'm tired of eharing about how great they are when all they do is run up the center or tackle's @ss every other play.

I think an imporoved o-line with Fulmers help and the addition of Trooper Taylor are gonna bring our running game back from the dead.

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