BigVolDaddy Classic

I am glad to know that I am not the only person who feels that way shades of orange.
LOL, that goofy bastard is pretty funny.

He's nowhere near the category of Cowboyintn or JTBowtie.
i've always wondered what the decision making process was behind him deciding to have a cigarette butte hanging halfway out of his mouth in all his vids.

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a redneck. That's a bama fan in orange.

you do not know me, so please dont presume to know me. I have been a Tennessee fan possibly longer than you have been alive. If you dont like my videos that's fine, just don't watch them, but DO NOT presume to know anything about me, until you have spoken with me. I have paid my dues, my money and given my loyalty to this university for over 20 years. I think I have earned the right to make funny videos about our opposition. Besides that, making these type of videos is what a large group of us do on youtube. Thank you for your kind, unbiased oppinions.

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No sir, making the comment you just made on here is the embarassment. First of all, your first comment was I hate watching his "videos", which emplies that you have watched several of my videos.My question to you then, is why do you watch them,if you hate them? A fair question on my behalf.
Second, calling a loyal, devoted, longtime Vols fan, who does everything to promote his team in a positive manner, with an occasional frustration rant included, is maybe the most ludacris remark i have heard in some time. Perhaps if you took the time to get to know me, rather than make rediculous comments, you wouldn't feel the need to make such comments..The embarassments, are the ones who go to the games, take up good seats and proclaim to be VOLS, then spend the rest of the following week talking trash about them if they lose. Thank you too for you comments.
to the people on here who like my videos...thank you, you people can obviously recognize humor, fun and passion for my team. keep watching, Bama week is comming up and i'll surely have something good for them.

to the people on here who like to make nasty remarks, question my loyalty and devotion to the VOLS, make 1st grade remarks about my weight, and to those who think i am a " dumbass redneck", as well as any other insult you " so called " vol fans tossed my way.

Instead of making false and rediculous assumptions about me, why dont you take the time to find out more about me, instead of making yourselves look like shallow, judgemental A holes. I can take abuse as well as i can give it out, so your insults do not hurt me, they only make me wonder why ANY of you would question the work of someone who is so obviously passionate about our VOLS. For the people who say im an embarassment to the VOLS. well, that is simply absurd. I really have no reply to that.

Otherwise, the only advice i can offer for everyone is this.
If you enjoy my sometimes humorous take, but always devoted passion for our VOLS, keep watching and enjoy and thanks so much for the support. For the ones who dont like my stuff. That's your right as an american and i am certainly not going to argue that. Just do yourself and me a favor and dont bother watching. GO VOLS....from a loyal devoted VOL fan of 36 years.
thanks for the workout advice. Do you offer any advice to me on how to deal with ignorant fans who chose to throw out 1st grade insults at people, rather than have an adult dialogue? I'm all ears for that advice.
i've always wondered what the decision making process was behind him deciding to have a cigarette butte hanging halfway out of his mouth in all his vids.

well, if you must know, it helps to hide my awful teeth, which are slowly falling out due to a dental disease i cant do anything about, for risk of infection getting into my heart. Is that honest enough for you, or would you prefer i give you a smug, smart allic answer like these other so called VOLS fans who have bashed me and my videos without knowing A THING about me. Thanks for asking, know you know....oh, and i know, the smoking isnt a good idea for my heart either, so no need pointing that one out.
Don't worry about the haters Big Vol Daddy. I haven't watched your stuff but some on here wouldn't be satisfied if you were wearing a suit and smearing grey poupon on your toast., sipping tea and using proper grammar. People from east Tennessee calling other people from east Tennessee rednecks, irony?
This guy cracks me up. He doesn't look anymore the redneck than 70% of the crowd at a TN game. Do you see those bubba's when the cameras scan the crowd? Keep up the good work're the man or you're our mack daddy.

What a dumbass, stop making us look bad

and do some sit ups

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