Bill Clinton: New-look GOP makes Bush look liberal



The White Debonair
Nov 28, 2005
Bill Clinton: New-look GOP makes Bush look liberal - Yahoo! News

MINNEAPOLIS – Former President Bill Clinton said Tuesday that the Republican Party is embracing "ideology over evidence" and pushing out pragmatic voices that would make even his [COLOR=#366388 !important][COLOR=#366388 !important]White [COLOR=#366388 !important]House[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] successor seem like a liberal.
Clinton, speaking at a Democratic fundraiser in Minneapolis, said there was no mistaking that Republicans have tacked hard right and questioned whether former President George W. Bush would fit in among the [COLOR=#366388 !important][COLOR=#366388 !important]party's [COLOR=#366388 !important]candidates[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] this year.
"A lot of their candidates today, they make him look like a liberal," Clinton told an enthusiastic crowd at a downtown hotel as he campaigned for Democratic gubernatorial candidate [COLOR=#366388 !important][COLOR=#366388 !important]Mark [COLOR=#366388 !important]Dayton[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR].

I always said this, I never understood why democrats hated W.

W stood for out of control gov't spending and limitation of personal freedom. I mean, these two things are the standard of the democratic party.

Not quite sure why this is news.

Anytime Bill is doing something other than molesting a lady, it's news. <rimshot>
I would have been fine with him being chancellor, emporer, vice roy..........

Have a conservative congress and this country would still be rolling!

It is amazing how effective checks and balances are......
I would have been fine with him being chancellor, emporer, vice roy..........

Have a conservative congress and this country would still be rolling!

It is amazing how effective checks and balances are......

It's Time for Hillary Clinton..........
Bill still has trouble telling the truth. Bush wasn't a conservative for much of his administration.

He wasn't even as strong of a social conservative as some try to give him credit for.

Iraq was called conservative but that really doesn't fit, does it? Was Vietnam "liberal"? Korea? Well maybe since we were shooting for a tie rather than a win. Point is, it is neither conservative nor liberal to use the military.

The only conservative thing he did was cut taxes as an answer to recession... and that was about the only thing he did that really worked.

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