Bill Haslam for Governor of TN?



Ave Christus Rex
Feb 25, 2009
Okay, not being from the Knoxville area, I know very little about this guy. I know that he has run a successful business, so he has some executive experience, and has been Mayor of Knoxville. What do you folks from Knoxville think about him? Is he a staunch conservative, liberal or somewhere in between? Will he be a "cut taxes and government spending, conservative" Governor? Do you think he would try to push a state income tax?

At some point when I have time I plan on checking out his campaign website, but I know better than to trust campaign rhetoric, so I also want to do some research and see what he has actually done vs. what his mouth says. For now, how about some folks opinions? :peace2:
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Okay, not being from the Knoxville area, I know very little about this guy. I know that he has run a successful business, so he has some executive experience, and has been Mayor of Knoxville. What do you folks from Knoxville think about him? Is he a staunch conservative, liberal or somewhere in between? Will he be a "cut taxes and government spending, conservative" Governor? Do you think he would try to push a state income tax?

At some point when I have time I plan on checking out his campaign website, but I know better than to trust campaign rhetoric, so I also want to do some research and see what he has actually done vs. what his mouth says. For now, how about some folks opinions? :peace2:

I've seen the website. I guess you didn't read my whole post?

The website tells you his platform, even if you don't want to believe it.

And he is conservative.
He's pretty conservative from what I get out of him. Of course, I really can't say that I notice his influence on Knoxville politics that much. Maybe I just don't notice him that much.
Jesus christ.....what's wrong with you people? I was trying to help him and anyone else who might want to see where the dude stands on issues.

Go have a drink or something.

Any monkey can google and find a website. He wanted opinions.
He asked for opinions.

Thanks, jaybird. I thought editing the post and bolding the opinion part might clarify that.

I can find all of the campaign rhetoric for myself, I want to know what folks think about the guy. That might be a better indicator of what kind of governor he would make than all of his campaign promises. Shoot, we have politicians run as Republicans and then change to Democrats as soon as they get elected, and vice-versa.

I'm more interested in a discussion about what he has shown by his past actions. I know he has done a great job in private business. How has he done as Mayor in Knoxville? Does he talk conservative and then act like a centrist when he's elected?
I was thinking the same thing.

For real. When you turn on the news, he's rarely mentioned. I mean, he'll do a ribbon cutting ceremony, and that will get on the news. But I really can't say that he's too, too involved, at least publicly, in Knoxville politics.
I rarely pay attention to local Knoxville politics. I know more about what's going on in Charlotte, NC than the city hall barely 8 miles from where I'm sitting now.
Haslam is by-far the best choice in the race. He has increased the rainy-day fund, cut taxes, and cut spending on useless stuff. He is a conservative, but I think that he hates having a label. All he cares about is doing what is right for the state.
Rule of thumb: I vote for the richest Republican in the primary. They usually don't need the job and won't have to steal to make ends meet.
I'm voting for Wamp in the primary, but I would be happy to support Haslam if he's the winner.

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