Bill Haslem A Donor To The Democrat Party

Are you a paid staffer? A volunteer? This was from 2002. And let's play "Timeline" here. Note the date of the contribution. It was AFTER the election. It was not used against a Republican. If memory serves me correctly back then the only R candidate was actually a Constitution Party guy who could not run as a C because they did not have a slot on the ballot. The GOP there had no decent candidate and had not fielded one in some time.

Haslam, like many other businessmen probably threw a little money at a guy who just got in office. That's right. Cooper was just reelected. Although he was in Congress in the early 90's, he had been out for some time. And his claim to fame then was voting for a version of healthcare that brought the ire of Hillary Clinton. So by that time, he wasn't exactly a liberal darling.

I'm not sure what your motive is here. But do some better research and come up with a little better reason to fight against. Haslam had his business to protect and saw the only voice to do so was Cooper and like many businessmen they buy access and favor with a large contribution. Show me where Haslam actually donated to say, Kennedy, Kerry, Clinton, the DNC, etc. all outside his district and distinctly partisan, I'd say you had a case.
Are you a paid staffer? A volunteer? This was from 2002. And let's play "Timeline" here. Note the date of the contribution. It was AFTER the election. It was not used against a Republican. If memory serves me correctly back then the only R candidate was actually a Constitution Party guy who could not run as a C because they did not have a slot on the ballot. The GOP there had no decent candidate and had not fielded one in some time.

Haslam, like many other businessmen probably threw a little money at a guy who just got in office. That's right. Cooper was just reelected. Although he was in Congress in the early 90's, he had been out for some time. And his claim to fame then was voting for a version of healthcare that brought the ire of Hillary Clinton. So by that time, he wasn't exactly a liberal darling.

I'm not sure what your motive is here. But do some better research and come up with a little better reason to fight against. Haslam had his business to protect and saw the only voice to do so was Cooper and like many businessmen they buy access and favor with a large contribution. Show me where Haslam actually donated to say, Kennedy, Kerry, Clinton, the DNC, etc. all outside his district and distinctly partisan, I'd say you had a case.

Please, no common sense please on how the process works.
What difference does it make how long ago?

He did it. He gave money to an ultra-liberal in a general election in order to beat a Republican.

He did then, he'll screw conservatives again.
He gave after the general election. December comes after November. And the guy who ran against him that November wasn't even a Republican.

Opposition Research 101 will not work for you....instead, try Remedial Op Research.
What difference does it make how long ago?

He did it. He gave money to an ultra-liberal in a general election in order to beat a Republican.

He did then, he'll screw conservatives again.

I agree with you, I don't care when he gave the money. The fact is he gave money to a very left nut.

I could not support Haslam, he is going to be dem light when he gets elected. Anyone who votes for this guy expecting him to be a conservative is in for a surprise.
I guess you need to boycott UT then considering how much Haslam money goes there as well. You clearly do not know how many business owners give money regardless of party just for the sole reason of getting a voice at the table. There are many staunch conservatives out there who own businesses who will give a small amount to just get five minutes to help influence legislation for their business.

If this is the standard you use, you better make darn sure you apply it across the board. And you better be ready to have this same standard bite you in the rear because this happens more frequently than you realize.
I guess you need to boycott UT then considering how much Haslam money goes there as well. You clearly do not know how many business owners give money regardless of party just for the sole reason of getting a voice at the table. There are many staunch conservatives out there who own businesses who will give a small amount to just get five minutes to help influence legislation for their business.

If this is the standard you use, you better make darn sure you apply it across the board. And you better be ready to have this same standard bite you in the rear because this happens more frequently than you realize.

Some will always take things to the extreme. There is a difference in which college football team I support and which person I want to be Governor. These two situations are completely different.

Haslam and anyone else can give money to anyone they want, they have earned it. I just refuse to support people for public office who give money/support for left wing nuts.
My message to Haslam.

Are you a paid staffer? A volunteer? This was from 2002. And let's play "Timeline" here. Note the date of the contribution. It was AFTER the election. It was not used against a Republican. If memory serves me correctly back then the only R candidate was actually a Constitution Party guy who could not run as a C because they did not have a slot on the ballot. The GOP there had no decent candidate and had not fielded one in some time.

Haslam, like many other businessmen probably threw a little money at a guy who just got in office. That's right. Cooper was just reelected. Although he was in Congress in the early 90's, he had been out for some time. And his claim to fame then was voting for a version of healthcare that brought the ire of Hillary Clinton. So by that time, he wasn't exactly a liberal darling.

I'm not sure what your motive is here. But do some better research and come up with a little better reason to fight against. Haslam had his business to protect and saw the only voice to do so was Cooper and like many businessmen they buy access and favor with a large contribution. Show me where Haslam actually donated to say, Kennedy, Kerry, Clinton, the DNC, etc. all outside his district and distinctly partisan, I'd say you had a case.

What is your motive??

So you are saying that Haslam has used polticians to better his own financial postition??

Political expediency trumps political philosophy??

Now if we ecect him do you expect he will cease to use politics to better his own position and suddenly become interested in seving the people??

I'm not sure what your motive is either but a donation to even the least dhimicrat is a donation to Kennedy, Kerry, Clinton, the DNC, etc as far as I'm concerned and Cooper wasn't in Haslam's district and it wasn't like we have no republican congressmen in Tennessee.

What is your opinion on the Haslam-Bloomberg connection??

SayUncle » Search Results » haslam
Please, no common sense please on how the process works.

My idea of common sense is to not vote for Haslam.

But I realize that in these trying times common sense is highly uncommon and most people will stick with business as usual which is what got us into these trying times to begin with and that's why I dropped political science as a second major.

The spin makes me dizzy, I didn't even like a merry-go-round when I was a kid, I preferred riding real horses but then again I realize most kids didn't even get that chance and having been launched into a make believe world, for them there seems to be no escape.
My idea of common sense is to not vote for Haslam.

But I realize that in these trying times common sense is highly uncommon and most people will stick with business as usual which is what got us into these trying times to begin with and that's why I dropped political science as a second major.

The spin makes me dizzy, I didn't even like a merry-go-round when I was a kid, I preferred riding real horses but then again I realize most kids didn't even get that chance and having been launched into a make believe world, for them there seems to be no escape.

And obviously said horse threw you off and you landed directly on your head which suddenly explains a lot.
What is your motive??

So you are saying that Haslam has used polticians to better his own financial postition??

Political expediency trumps political philosophy??

Now if we ecect him do you expect he will cease to use politics to better his own position and suddenly become interested in seving the people??

I'm not sure what your motive is either but a donation to even the least dhimicrat is a donation to Kennedy, Kerry, Clinton, the DNC, etc as far as I'm concerned and Cooper wasn't in Haslam's district and it wasn't like we have no republican congressmen in Tennessee.

What is your opinion on the Haslam-Bloomberg connection??

SayUncle » Search Results » haslam

My motive is to be a little honest about amateurish op research. The original post is very disingenuous and I clarified.

Has he used politicians to better his financial position? Yes. What do you think lobbying and contributions are for? Nothing illegal or unethical about this. Have a problem with this, change the law.

Let's give a history lesson here. The 2002 election was Cooper vs. a Constitution Party candidate in a heavily Democratic district. The seat was open and Cooper had not been in office since mid-90's. AFTER the election, Haslam donated. I cannot speak for him but typically many people who need to get a seat at the table with an elected official will donate AFTER an election.

The reason for? I'm looking at the people the Haslams donated to even on the D side. Cooper is on subcommittees that influence energy and procurement contracts - government contracts on something like say gasoline? So he is seeking access to influence someone on potential legislation, contracts, etc. Nothing wrong here. He's trying to benefit his company, employees, etc.

As for the other Republicans in TN, he has given them as well. But in addition to party loyalty, he has a loyalty to his company first and worked with those on a subcommittee AND his state to influence legislation.

What is with your pious "self-serving" rant? Everyone who votes is self-serving. Everyone who has a business is self-serving. You act as if this is wrong. Haslam did what he had to using legal and available means to not only benefit himself, but his company, the employees of his company, and his state. If anyone had any sense, they would do the exact same. If anything, it's a good sign of what he would do in office for his party, district, state, etc.

I am no Haslam apologist. My 'motive' is to shed some light on some shoddy op research work. If you have a problem with him being a RINO so be it. but don't come on here with a donation to a Dem as some 'gotcha' when clearly there was an intent that benefited the people he represented. I look at the untold thousands going to R's and the comparative handful going to Dems in certain positions to help the business and I'm not agreeing with the logic of the original post. I see donations to Frist, Alexander, Corker, Hilleary, Bryant, Wamp, Thompson, TN GOP, various TN R's PAC's, and endless very conservative elected officials across the country. If we're running with logic here the rare times he's given a contribution (a fraction of his overall giving by the way) it was to help the business.

By all means if you have other more legit reasons to hate the guy, go ahead. I am only arguing this point because of the 'gotcha' moment that is very dishonest. I've worked with enough campaigns and elected officials to know how this works and the real reasons behind them.
I guess you need to boycott UT then considering how much Haslam money goes there as well. You clearly do not know how many business owners give money regardless of party just for the sole reason of getting a voice at the table. There are many staunch conservatives out there who own businesses who will give a small amount to just get five minutes to help influence legislation for their business.

If this is the standard you use, you better make darn sure you apply it across the board. And you better be ready to have this same standard bite you in the rear because this happens more frequently than you realize.

in todays political environment and the way dems/libs are, you have to give mone if you own a business. it's basically legal exhortion money. a democrat would have no problems getting the irs or their justice dept to investigate you just if you decided not to give money to their party or the canidate.

libs/dems are low lifes and they would stoop to the lowest level to get money. look what their unions do to people who don't tow the line.
personally, I'd be more concerned about Haslam's donations to Susan Collins of Maine
In all honesty, we're comparing one specific donation here. I'm sure it would not take long to dig through Wamp's history and find something he rolled over and caved on that had the same if similar effect. But because it is not a quantitative item, meltdowns won't occur for those. As I said before, if there are other legit issues to call Haslam out, by all means. But the original post reeks amateur opposition research going for the gotcha effect.
Some will always take things to the extreme. There is a difference in which college football team I support and which person I want to be Governor. These two situations are completely different.

Haslam and anyone else can give money to anyone they want, they have earned it. I just refuse to support people for public office who give money/support for left wing nuts.

What about right-wing nuts? Are they also blacklisted?
And obviously said horse threw you off and you landed directly on your head which suddenly explains a lot.

What's your excuse??

Actually I broke close to a hundred horses when I was only nine years old. My dad lassoed them in the corral, snubbed them down, sacked them, saddled them and let them try to buck the salle off til they were tired, one at a time then called me in, put me aboard and turn us out into the pasture on weekends.

On weekdays my mother woke me up just after dad left for work and while I was having breakfast presented me with a list my dad had made of about six horses to saddle and ride that day for about an hour each and I had better have that done when he arrived home from work.

All because I told him a lie, not only did I learn to ride well, I didn't lie to my dad much anymore, honesty is a way underappreciated quality today in this country.

BTW, none of them ever threw me.

My motive is to be a little honest about amateurish op research. The original post is very disingenuous and I clarified.

Has he used politicians to better his financial position? Yes. What do you think lobbying and contributions are for? Nothing illegal or unethical about this. Have a problem with this, change the law.

Let's give a history lesson here. The 2002 election was Cooper vs. a Constitution Party candidate in a heavily Democratic district. The seat was open and Cooper had not been in office since mid-90's. AFTER the election, Haslam donated. I cannot speak for him but typically many people who need to get a seat at the table with an elected official will donate AFTER an election.

The reason for? I'm looking at the people the Haslams donated to even on the D side. Cooper is on subcommittees that influence energy and procurement contracts - government contracts on something like say gasoline? So he is seeking access to influence someone on potential legislation, contracts, etc. Nothing wrong here. He's trying to benefit his company, employees, etc.

As for the other Republicans in TN, he has given them as well. But in addition to party loyalty, he has a loyalty to his company first and worked with those on a subcommittee AND his state to influence legislation.

What is with your pious "self-serving" rant? Everyone who votes is self-serving. Everyone who has a business is self-serving. You act as if this is wrong. Haslam did what he had to using legal and available means to not only benefit himself, but his company, the employees of his company, and his state. If anyone had any sense, they would do the exact same. If anything, it's a good sign of what he would do in office for his party, district, state, etc.

I am no Haslam apologist. My 'motive' is to shed some light on some shoddy op research work. If you have a problem with him being a RINO so be it. but don't come on here with a donation to a Dem as some 'gotcha' when clearly there was an intent that benefited the people he represented. I look at the untold thousands going to R's and the comparative handful going to Dems in certain positions to help the business and I'm not agreeing with the logic of the original post. I see donations to Frist, Alexander, Corker, Hilleary, Bryant, Wamp, Thompson, TN GOP, various TN R's PAC's, and endless very conservative elected officials across the country. If we're running with logic here the rare times he's given a contribution (a fraction of his overall giving by the way) it was to help the business.

By all means if you have other more legit reasons to hate the guy, go ahead. I am only arguing this point because of the 'gotcha' moment that is very dishonest. I've worked with enough campaigns and elected officials to know how this works and the real reasons behind them.

So you find no problem with political expediency taking precedence over political philosophy?

What do you think of Haslam's belonging to the NY City Bloomberg mayors for gun control group?

If ever in the history of America it was time to vote out business as usual politicians and return to the concept that elected officials are servants of the people rather than masters, that elected officials act in the best interests of all the people they represent rather than being self serving opportunists, that time is NOW!
What's your excuse??

Actually I broke close to a hundred horses when I was only nine years old. My dad lassoed them in the corral, snubbed them down, sacked them, saddled them and let them try to buck the salle off til they were tired, one at a time then called me in, put me aboard and turn us out into the pasture on weekends.

On weekdays my mother woke me up just after dad left for work and while I was having breakfast presented me with a list my dad had made of about six horses to saddle and ride that day for about an hour each and I had better have that done when he arrived home from work.

All because I told him a lie, not only did I learn to ride well, I didn't lie to my dad much anymore, honesty is a way underappreciated quality today in this country.

BTW, none of them ever threw me.

So you find no problem with political expediency taking precedence over political philosophy?

What do you think of Haslam's belonging to the NY City Bloomberg mayors for gun control group?

If ever in the history of America it was time to vote out business as usual politicians and return to the concept that elected officials are servants of the people rather than masters, that elected officials act in the best interests of all the people they represent rather than being self serving opportunists, that time is NOW!

So instead we vote for a career politician for the last 18 years? If it's time to vote those out then you need to vote for Basil.
there are plenty of reasons to not vote for Haslam, donating a couple of grand to Cooper after the general election isn't one of them.
all this does for me is say that he is a fair man and he tries to support who he thinks is the better man and not whoever is in his party....everyone *****es how polititions wont work together but when they do people like you kill them for it. shut up and stop listen to rush limbaugh for your information...the retoric you spew over and over is the same i hear on fat asses show all the time..

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