Bill Maher Rant on Realtime

Pot kettle, left say the same crap when a gop is in office.

In reality not one difference between the parties.

Johnson 2012!
I actually agree with Maher sometimes; however he's about the biggest a-hole on the planet. And he's claims he's a Libertarian, he's about as Libertarian as Romney is poor.
I actually agree with Maher sometimes; however he's about the biggest a-hole on the planet. And he's claims he's a Libertarian, he's about as Libertarian as Romney is poor.

He's a "libertine", not a "libertarian". If he would just be honest about that, I could halfway respect him. But he obfuscates and blurs his position and has been saying that he's a libertarian for 15 years or so...
no self-respecting "libertarian" would donate $1 million to re-elect the least libertarian President since FDR
I think the only Libertarian view he might have is the legalization of pot. Other than that, he is pretty much a typical liberal.
Bill Maher: I Am So Unhappy With Obama ( New Rules ) - YouTube

Before you start tearing into him watch the Video. Other than the one Race Baiting comment he hit the nail on the head IMO.

I still for the life of me don't understand why so many on the Right think he is turning America into a Socialist Dictatorship.

Can't speak for the right but the concern is not Socialism but Socialistic.

There is no doubt he has greatly expanded the role of the Federal government and seeks to further expand it. He seeks a greater role for government in what we eat, what we do with our money, what businesses should receive direct support and which should be discouraged via any number of tools and agency actions, etc.

Dictator? Of course not but he has doubled-down on Bush's expansion of executive power.

WRT the rant Maher is clearly wrong when he says Obama has cut spending. Even the graph he uses shows that not to be true and the analysis in the graph is shaky. He claims drilling is up but of course leaves out the critical details on drilling policy under Obama. (just two examples)

The wish list he has (single payer, gun control, carbon tax and drug legalization) only has one libertarian issue while the others are clearly not libertarian positions.

Finally, using his analysis style you could have made the same argument vis a vis liberals and George W. Bush. Why were they unhappy when he did so many of the things that are on their wish list? (according to Maher style analysis).
I've been watching real time for years and I don't recall him calling himself libertarian. He calls himself a liberal now.
Depending on the issue, I either completely agree with Maher or completely disagree.
I've been watching real time for years and I don't recall him calling himself libertarian. He calls himself a liberal now.

I've not watched Real Time in about 3 years, so I can't speak to what he calls himself now, but for years he referred to himself as libertarian. That always made me roll considering most of the positions he took were almost the opposite of libertarian, except for drug legalization.

Maybe someone finally pointed that out to him.
That's one of his big themes, but it's not his only libertarian thread.

But it's pretty much entirely the same stuff that liberals and libertarians agree on anyhow
I've been watching real time for years and I don't recall him calling himself libertarian. He calls himself a liberal now.

I've been watching him since the Politically Incorrect days an have heard him call himself a libretarian several times on CNN or his rare appearances on Bill OReily. He is against bloated defense spending, thinks Social Security should be partially privatized and for the legalization of drugs. He's also against funding for trivial things like the arts but will point out that it's not even a scratch on the surface of the spending problem.
A libertarian that wants a single payer health care system...?

I feel like I'm pretty sure hes called himself a liberal on the show, repeatedly and recently.
A libertarian that wants a single payer health care system...?

Again, that is why I say that he misuses the term libertarian. He is really a libertine, yet he is the one that calls himself a libertarian.

Don't get mad at me... he's the one that doesn't make any sense.
A libertarian that wants a single payer health care system...?

I feel like I'm pretty sure hes called himself a liberal on the show, repeatedly and recently.

Checking in With Bill Maher in 1999 | Culture News | Rolling Stone

You've been described as a libertarian.

I'm a libertarian. The line I've always used is, I would be a Republican if they would. Which means that I like the Barry Gold-water Republican Party, even the Reagan Republican Party. I want a mean old man to watch my money. I don't want a Republican to be funny. I don't want him to be charming. Because government is a sieve that takes as much money as it can and gives it away, usually needlessly.
I only skimmed since I'm mobile, but the first link is from well over a decade ago and the second didn't quote him whatsoever


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