Bill- S 510



Sep 2, 2007
S 510 would give Monsanto unlimited power over all US seed, food supplements, food and farming. Eh, no thanks.. This is unreal.

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Posted on April 24, 2010
by Rady| 351 Comments
Nov. 17, 2010 UPDATE: BREAKING: Senate votes cloture on S 510 – must now be voted on in 60 days. ~Ed.

By Steve Green

S 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act*, may be the most dangerous bill in the history of the US. It is to our food what the bailout was to our economy, only we can live without money.

“If accepted [S 510] would preclude the public’s right to grow, own, trade, transport, share, feed and eat each and every food that nature makes.
I thought that Glenn Beck already had the "super seed" market cornered.
i don't understand why people get so butt hurt over monsanto. they are teh worlds solution to our food problems.
I get butt hurt over Monsanto because I bought them at 125 and finally got out at 70...
i don't understand why people get so butt hurt over monsanto. they are teh worlds solution to our food problems.


Thanks for the post, until now I have thought that perhaps you have less working brain cells than LG, your quoted post above removes all doubt, at least LG can agree that America losing it's manufacturing base (other than European owned federal reserve printing presses) can't be construed as a good thing.

Breaking: Cloture Vote on S-510 Food Takeover Act; S-787 Water Takeover Act also in Lame Duck Congress; Contact Senators Now

“In a nutshell, S510 is effectively NAIS (National Animal Identification System) for everything. It is a tremendous amount of additional enforcement (fines and penalties, license revocations, further license requirements, control over processes and harvest) which are definite issues with the bill as it currently exists. However, not unlike the “Health Care” bill, they will have to pass this to see what it actually does.

“Here’s why….In S 510, the FDA is instructed to follow all international agreements. One of the issues with international ‘guidelines and standards’ is “Good Agricultural Practices”. Well those are not necessarily good. Most GAP certifying bodies have checklists about 25 pages long for growers to follow. They all require traceability (i.e., NAIS) they also require auditing, verifying and certifying the processes used to produce a consumable product for human or animal feed. Every step in GAP costs the grower of food money and a good deal of paperwork. What happens if you’re better at growing food than filing forms? You will be penalized (i.e., more money). Sec 420 is exceptionally dangerous in my eyes. It subjects all farms that ‘produce’ milk to risk assessment and management (i.e., insurance).

“The idea that exemptions will be helpful is rose-colored-glasses thinking. Exemptions can easily be taken away or modified without Congressional oversight through the regulatory process. Most farmers aren’t watching the Federal Register like hawks.

“The FDA has plenty of authority to protect the anonymous food supply already. But they don’t. Instead, they put small entities out of business through Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points (HACCP), also to be expanded in this bill, and heavier regulations that are not helpful to smaller economies of scale. The FDA inspects less than 1% of imported produce, has performed inspections on less than 25% of processing failties that they are authorized to inspect (in a five year period) and they ALREADY have authority over live food animals on the farm. The USDA authority is over animal disease.”

(NaturalNews) Senate Bill 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act, has been called "the most dangerous bill in the history of the United States of America." It would grant the U.S. government new authority over the public's right to grow, trade and transport any foods. This would give Big brother the power to regulate the tomato plants in your backyard. It would grant them the power to arrest and imprison people selling cucumbers at farmer's markets. It would criminalize the transporting of organic produce if you don't comply with the authoritarian rules of the federal government.

Why Will Codex Alimentarius Make Harmless Dietary Supplements Illegal?

The problem with the Codex Alimentarius committee, writes Maureen Salaman, is that "the delegates that make up and decide on the CODEX mandates are 90% members of giant multi-national pharmaceutical corporations." Under the guise of increasing safety standards, the real goal of these pharmaceutical corporation delegates will be to restrict dietary supplements from consumers and push pharmaceutical drugs instead.

Once Codex Alimentarius' standards are finalized in the European Union, all member nations will be required to follow the same standards or face sanctions. Considering the pharmaceutical stronghold in the U.S., experts believe the U.S. will readily agree to the EU's restrictive guidelines on dietary supplements, and use its "obligation" for international trade standards as an excuse for wholeheartedly following new, pharmaceutical-favoring restrictions.

While the acquiescence appears to be propelled by the idea "free trade harmonization," it is more likely fueled by profit motives of "pharmaceuticalization."

BTW, both Alexander and Corker voted for cloture on this idiotic bill today, just one more reason I will never vote for either ever again, I don't care who the dhimmis put up against them or how sorry that candidate may be, I will never waste another vote on Alexander or Corker again, as a matter of fact I didn't vote for Alexander last time he ran but did vote for Corker over Ford and have been sorely disappointed at every turn since then.

I don't have much doubt that either one would vote for the horrendous LOST treaty if the dhimmis had the nerve to bring it up, what good does it do to vote republican when you are just getting a dhimmi in sheep's clothing???????????????

In all sixteen republicans voted for cloture today.

A list of republicrat food nazis you can vote against next election:

Yea TN Alexander, Lamar [R]
Yea WY Barrasso, John [R]
Yea MA Brown, Scott [R]
Yea NC Burr, Richard [R]
Yea ME Collins, Susan [R]
Yea TN Corker, Bob [R]
Yea WY Enzi, Michael [R]
Yea IA Grassley, Charles [R]
Yea NH Gregg, Judd [R]
Yea NE Johanns, Mike [R]
Yea FL LeMieux, George [R]
Yea IN Lugar, Richard [R]
Yea ME Snowe, Olympia [R]
Yea SD Thune, John [R]
Yea LA Vitter, David [R]
Yea OH Voinovich, George [R]

Alexander was a co-sponsor.

Georgia senators Chambliss and Isakson voted against - even though they co-sponsored it, still they are for the bill in general, Chambliss said he opposed some of the wording that had been added.

Here is a list of the votes for anyone who is at all interested in following this piece of garbage legislation:

U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote

One dhimmi, Nelson of Iowa voted nay.

"The greatest threat to Communism is the farmer."
~ Anon.


Obama Food Czar Is Former Monsanto Exec, One of the Four Horsemen of the Food Apocalypse : Veterans Today

It’s not enough that former Monsanto executive Michael ("Monsanto Mike") Taylor is the Food Czar in Obama`s administration. Monsanto recently purchased Xe Intelligence Services. Xe is the new name for Blackwater, the largest private mercenary military outfit in the world.

Constitution Party News Articles

Here are just a few of the things S-510 purports to do:

Preclude the public’s right to grow, own, trade, transport, share, feed and eat each and every food that nature makes.

It will more than likely make Michael Taylor (mentioned above) the Food Czar.

End U.S. sovereignty over its own food supply by forcing compliance with WTO guidelines.

Even direct sales of food between individuals could be defined as smuggling under the language of the bill.

Codex Alimentarius, a global system of control over food and food supplements, would control all U.S. food and supplements. Access to natural food supplements would be removed under Codex rules.

Control of all seeds would transfer to Monsanto and other global multinationals.

The National Animal Identification System ( NAIS ) would be enacted, forcing bio-chipping and other identification and tracking methods for all animals, whether food or pets.

What is left of the American food system would be transferred into total control of Multinational Corporations under the guise of global governance.

This brief article is not meant to be definitive, but is instead intended to give people a short idea, in the brief time we have left, of what they will face if this bill passes.

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