Black Men for Trump



Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2018
There is a real and growing tendency of African American men who have turned for Trump.
The Biden crime law is an excellent example. President Trump reformed one of Joe Biden's worst impulses- the needless incarceration of millions of black men and women for petty crimes.
There is a real and growing tendency of African American men who have turned for Trump.
The Biden crime law is an excellent example. President Trump reformed one of Joe Biden's worst impulses- the needless incarceration of millions of black men and women for petty crimes.
I agree there is a trend of black men and women supporting R candidates. What I dont know is if it is due to Trump support, Biden dislike, or a general shift of party affiliation.
I agree there is a trend of black men and women supporting R candidates. What I dont know is if it is due to Trump support, Biden dislike, or a general shift of party affiliation.
I think the internet has played a big part, because instead of being force fed the garbage and lies from the mainstream news, they are able to see things for themselves and reshape their opinions.
I think the internet has played a big part, because instead of being force fed the garbage and lies from the mainstream news, they are able to see things for themselves and reshape their opinions.
It's as good a theory as any other.
If they don't vote for Biden they ain't black !
Just occurred to me after reading your post that blacks should vote for Trump.... if they ain’t black, they would no longer be innocent target of the police, suppressed, victimized. Al Sharpton should be all over this.
I agree there is a trend of black men and women supporting R candidates. What I dont know is if it is due to Trump support, Biden dislike, or a general shift of party affiliation.
Tired of the notion that black people are deficient and must have the government to prop them up to succeed or achieve.

Anyone with a brain can see all the efforts and programs the government has made to try and tilt things toward black advantage. These haven’t advanced black people but moved them into a new form of slavery. A slavery of dependence and
the idea that being black is a handicap. This has been veiled by white progressives as dealing with systemic racism, but they are the system. The system created affirmative action. The system creates empowerment zones. The system creates a a world where anything you can imagine is exclusive and geared towards blackness. (black colleges for example). This has further perpetuated division in the contradiction of self segregation. These are all vestiges of segregation that are now being put forward as “black culture.”
I agree there is a trend of black men and women supporting R candidates. What I dont know is if it is due to Trump support, Biden dislike, or a general shift of party affiliation.
All I know is if I was black..... Biden would have pissed me off with his “you ain’t black” comment..... not to mention his jungle comments from the past

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