Blessed are the warmakers...



"Slava Ukraina"
Aug 14, 2007
The Warmakers | Zero Hedge

Between the US strikes on Syria in April and the recent developments on the Korean Peninsula, we are in somewhat of a lull in the Empire’s search for a new war to start. The always helpful Israelis, in the person of the ineffable Bibi Netanyahu, are now beating the drums for, well, if not a war, then at least some kind of false flag or pretext to make the USA strike at Iran. And then there is the always bleeding Donbass (which I won’t address in today’s analysis).
ah the vague threat of a potential war to fill the coffers. something to point to, to say you were right and you called it. when in reality it is like saying the sun will come up on some day that has yet to be defined. no sh#t.
Let's be clear... it wouldn't matter if this were Biden or Trump or Eisenhower... this is clown talk no matter what.

Of course this is clown talk.

What I'm saying is all of our enemies are emboldened by what they view as a weak administration. We all see it. The world saw Afghanistan and the awful strategic decisions. It ain't hard to understand why Russia is doing this now, and hadn't tried this since 2014. Which administration was in between this one and 2014? This administration worries me that they get people killed. Don't think a terrorist attack is not brewing in the future with the open southern border and what happened in Afghanistan. Whether its 6 months or 6 years on someone else's watch because of the current actions.
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Let's be clear... it wouldn't matter if this were Biden or Trump or Eisenhower... this is clown talk no matter what.

Probably, but what good are offensive nuclear weapons if everyone knows you won't use them? It's the doubt that forces restraint on others. A Carter in office is useless, a biden is useless, Trump probably had some on the other side a bit concerned about their actions, and Reagan while restrained left the impression he had limits on the restraint. If you have a nuclear arsenal strictly as a response, you've lost to begin with ... MAD.

And by the way, using our arsenal on Russia over Ukraine would be stupid. Our real enemy is China.
Probably, but what good are offensive nuclear weapons if everyone knows you won't use them? It's the doubt that forces restraint on others. A Carter in office is useless, a biden is useless, Trump probably had some on the other side a bit concerned about their actions, and Reagan while restrained left the impression he had limits on the restraint. If you have a nuclear arsenal strictly as a response, you've lost to begin with ... MAD.

And by the way, using our arsenal on Russia over Ukraine would be stupid. Our real enemy is China.

Why do you think Biden wouldn't use them? I have no idea what that guy is gonna do and the left is indistinguishable from the right at this point, with regard to thirst for conflict. I mean, he is bombing Syria as OP pointed out. Obama was good at killing people. Etc.

And Trump might use a nuke but he wasn't going to use it to save Ukraine.
Why do you think Biden wouldn't use them? I have no idea what that guy is gonna do and the left is indistinguishable from the right at this point, with regard to thirst for conflict. I mean, he is bombing Syria as OP pointed out. Obama was good at killing people. Etc.

And Trump might use a nuke but he wasn't going to use it to save Ukraine.

I agree it's hard to tell what any politician might do - probably the best reason to quit electing them in favor of rational people. On that note and in opposition to a lot of other people, I do consider Trump more rational than biden. Generally people who've been in politics for an extended period of time have learned to speak their version of the truth (lies) very convincingly and smoothly. Trump is/was a marketing guy prone to hype and exaggeration and the thought that there is no bad press - so being outlandish was good. Biden comes from a very different camp, and still can't stop screwing up despite years of tutoring.

But then I liked Goldwater; he talked tough, but most military types understand consequences and what entanglements really mean - run of the mill politicians are more like the fans in the stands when it comes to understanding how it all really works. I used to trust the opinions of most military leaders - until some (Westmoreland comes to mind) showed they just weren't very good and others like MacArthur showed they just weren't quite all there and the latest crop are just lost period. The fact is that general officer positions and promotions are shaped a lot by politicians which is disturbing.
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No one cares about Russia or the Ukraine.

Unless you're a democrat who voted for Hillary and are still hanging all your hopes on her retroactively becoming President...
Putin has been clear about his thoughts on the far left movements taking shape here and in other parts of the world. That's one reason democrats and communists can't stand him.

Of course it could all just be theater on his part.
Why do you think Biden wouldn't use them? I have no idea what that guy is gonna do and the left is indistinguishable from the right at this point, with regard to thirst for conflict. I mean, he is bombing Syria as OP pointed out. Obama was good at killing people. Etc.

And Trump might use a nuke but he wasn't going to use it to save Ukraine.
Also. Remember the response when Trump bombed Syria? The democrats and media loved him for it. Then we mentioned pulling troops out of Syria they slammed him for it.

Many leftists really have a hatred for Assad.
Then we mentioned pulling troops out of Syria they slammed him for it.

As I recall, we left airfields and barracks overnight and let Russia just waltz in and take them over.

What is the love affair rightists have for Putin and Assad?
As I recall, we left airfields and barracks overnight and let Russia just waltz in and take them over.

What is the love affair rightists have for Putin and Assad?
Love affair? I don't see anyone having that with Putin or Assad. Maybe in Russia or Syria. I haven't seen it here. That's exaggerating a bit.
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Love affair? I don't see anyone having that with Putin or Assad. Maybe in Russia or Syria. I haven't seen it here. That's exaggerating a bit.
They accuse me of having a love affair simply because I give a fair reporting and it goes against their KGB/commie narrative.
They accuse me of having a love affair simply because I give a fair reporting and it goes against their KGB/commie narrative.
I do know Putin and the Russian government was persecuting JWs. Which I don't agree with. Plus it's not like the JWs are a left wing group in anyway.

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