


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2009
I read the first page of the off topics and said what the Hail. This is for the computer whiz's which I ain't and yes my mother said ain't ain't no word. So f&%k the English!! My question is how do you take Bluetooth head phones and evolve Windows Media Player to play the music through your Headphones. It ask to hook up my device to download the device driver, but evidently the headphones aren't a device. So the real question is do you have to use your cell phone as the device to download the driver and can you listen to your music stored on your computer on Bluetooth headphones like Earbuds. Tired of drinking beer with no music. By the way, Kick the Crimson Terds a$$ and the real UT Is in Knoxville!!!
It would depend on if your computer has Bluetooth capability, and if it's enabled.
Well crap, I read "Blue-Tooth" and thought it was a thread about my ex-brother inlaw.

I got nothing for the actual question here.

If you have an iPhone you can swipe up from the bottom and click on the icon that looks like a pointy B or go into settings and enable.
If you have an iPhone you can swipe up from the bottom and click on the icon that looks like a pointy B or go into settings and enable.

Change title to Bluetooth for dummies......

You just said pointy B. That is awesome!
I read the first page of the off topics and said what the Hail. This is for the computer whiz's which I ain't and yes my mother said ain't ain't no word. So f&%k the English!! My question is how do you take Bluetooth head phones and evolve Windows Media Player to play the music through your Headphones. It ask to hook up my device to download the device driver, but evidently the headphones aren't a device. So the real question is do you have to use your cell phone as the device to download the driver and can you listen to your music stored on your computer on Bluetooth headphones like Earbuds. Tired of drinking beer with no music. By the way, Kick the Crimson Terds a$$ and the real UT Is in Knoxville!!!

Here's what you need to do to get music playing from your computer to your bluetooth earbuds.

1. Put computer, earbuds and yourself in truck. Probably best if you do this one morning before you start drinking beer.

2. Get on I-26 W.

3. Take exit 19 - bear left under freeway.

4. At 1st light, turn left on Greenline Rd.

5. Take 1st road on right - Peoples St.

6. Go in next store after IHoP.

7. Carry computer and earbuds into store.

8. Look for a counter with dudes in white button-up shirts and skinny black ties behind it. The dudes will probably have funny looking beards and/or Buddy Holly glasses. Do not make fun of them. They can help you.

9. After they help you, say thank you. Again, do not make fun of them.

10. Yell GO BIG ORANGE! as loud as you can before walking out of store.
I read the first page of the off topics and said what the Hail. This is for the computer whiz's which I ain't and yes my mother said ain't ain't no word. So f&%k the English!! My question is how do you take Bluetooth head phones and evolve Windows Media Player to play the music through your Headphones. It ask to hook up my device to download the device driver, but evidently the headphones aren't a device. So the real question is do you have to use your cell phone as the device to download the driver and can you listen to your music stored on your computer on Bluetooth headphones like Earbuds. Tired of drinking beer with no music. By the way, Kick the Crimson Terds a$$ and the real UT Is in Knoxville!!!

Asus® Bluetooth V4.0 USB-BT400 USB2.0 3 Mbps Bluetooth Adapter | Staples

This bluetooth adapter plugs in a empty USB port on your PC and will sling the music to bluetooth ear buds.

VN Store
