Boo seems ready

B2A (Belt To Ass) POSTS??

Love Boo but I wish we would keep all this crap off social media. Show up pissed off and feeling like the underdog.
Lack of Maturity imo. He will calm down after he is schooled a few times or when TN loses.

But I rather have a confident player thinking he can’t be beat than one who is secretly doubting himself.
Lack of Maturity imo. He will calm down after he is schooled a few times or when TN loses.

But I rather have a confident player thinking he can’t be beat than one who is secretly doubting himself.
I mean yeah. I just would rather him let his play on the field do the talking. It’s a minor gripe. Great player seems to be a good kid as well.
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Love Boo but I wish we would keep all this crap off social media. Show up pissed off and feeling like the underdog.
We don't have a timid team. We've got some dogs on our team. This team has a different swagger, and I am here for it. It is the decade of dominance for the Vols.
Well, been wondering for a few weeks what B2A meant and was too embarrassed to ask. Now I know, I like our defensive players having this type of attitude.
Agree! I told my best friend, who is from Oklahoma, just yesterday... I am more a proponent of "keep your mouth shut, and let your play do the talking."
The worst is a defender who doesn't make a play, or makes it late or poorly, and immediately gets in the face of the offensive player that made him look bad. Hard for me to understand the energy applied to talk rather than improving play.

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